Chapter One: Kkami

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Miyoung hurried out of the school, glad that it was finally the weekend. The week was especially tiring and Miyoung couldn't wait to be away from the place for the next two days. Linking arms with two of her best friends, she skipped her way out of the building.

"So, Jia, Ho-yoon, and I are planning to have a girls' night at Gowon's. You up for it?" Her friend, Minnie, asked.

"Sorry girlies. I've got a date with Hyunjin," Miyoung replied.

"A date?" Jia, her other friend, exclaimed.

Miyoung just chuckled. "Not that kind of date! He's going to get his dog today and he asked me to come with him."

The two girls just wagged their eyebrows at her and giggled. Miyoung rolled her eyes and laughed. She looked around the front yard of the school and spotted Hyunjin leaning against a tree, checking his phone.

"See you crazies next week!" Miyoung exclaimed.

She waved feverishly at them and then ran towards Hyunjin. The boy had his headphones in and was trying his best to ignore the commotion around him. He wasn't the most social of people at school, really only interacting with his own friends, hence the headphones. Miyoung noticed this and pulled one ear bud out.

"What do you want?" Hyunjin asked, annoyed at the intrusion.

Miyoung pouted. "Now, that's no way to talk to your best friend."

Hyunjin finally gave the person who committed such a heinous crime a look over and sighed. He smiled brightly.

"Sorry Miyoung. I didn't see you."

"That's no excuse. I'm your bestest friend in the whole world. I've known you since you were in diapers. You can't just not notice me," Miyoung said, crossing her arms.

The boy latched himself on her arm and swung it like a child begging their parents for treats.

"I'm sorry Mimi," he said cutely.

Miyoung just laughed and linked arms with said boy. "I forgive you. Now, let's go and adopt our puppy!"

"You do know that the puppy's going to be mine right?"

But, instead of replying, the girl dragged the two further away from the school grounds and towards Hyunjin's house, excitement filling her bones.


Once they arrived at Hyunjin's place, they were immediately greeted by his mother. She grinned at the two and ushered them into the apartment.

"You two go get ready so we can go get that dog of yours," she said sweetly.

"We were going to do that anyway," Hyunjin replied with a roll of his eyes.

Miyoung smacked Hyunjin softly and then gave Mrs. Hwang an eye smile. "Don't mind him H squared, he's just a little tired from school."

"I assumed," his mother laughed. "Now go before I change my mind."

This sent both the kids flying down the hall towards Hyunjin's room. Mrs. Hwang could only laugh before heading back to the living room.

Once Miyoung and Hyunjin reached Hyunjin's room, bags were thrown off their backs to who knows where. Miyoung launched herself onto his bed and closed her eyes. Before she could fully relax though, a pair of clothes landed on her face.


Hyunjin laughed. "Get changed loser. Or else, I'll adopt the dog without you."

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