Severus P.O.V
I'm doing what I always do on a Friday night.

Drink till I forget, yet for some reason I always remember.

The pub was quiet tonight.

Usually it would be filled with drunken buffoons.

I finish a shot of firewhiskey when a hand reaches my shoulder.

I put my wand to the offenders throat.

It was the vain of my existence.

"Remus Lupin." I said with immense venom in my tone. "Why are you here? Why are the rest of you here? Who are they?"

Lupin came with the rest of the Maurauders, a man, and a woman.

"We need your help." He gulped, I was practically choking him.

"Why should I help you. Of all people. You took the one person I ever loved! The one person who never saw me as a piece of shit!" I raged, then fell to the ground. "You put me under the imperius curse. You forced me to call her something terrible against my will. Hadn't I suffered enough?"

Lupin looked confused, but Potter and Black looked guilty.

Everything suddenly became very clear.

The pale man saw my rage, so he intervened before I could do anything that earned me a spot in Azkaban.

"Hello sir, Bill Compton. Listen if you love Agana, you need to trust us. She is in grave danger. We need you. Eric...."

I snapped before he could continued.

Agana once told me about the bastard and his mad house.

Her abuse was worse than my own.

"Fine! I'll help! Because if she fully died I wouldn't be able to live with myself! Potter, Black, I hope you go straight to hell."

We got out of the bar, ready for the mission.

What are we now? A suicide squad?

Agana P.O.V
I'm scared.

Pam and Eric are taking me to Godric.

"Get in." Eric forced me inside the nest.

Now that I think about it. What was I doing outside the nest? I never get let out.

Wait did I disobey them?

I'm so screwed.

I noticed Godric looked different.

His hair, the way he dressed, everything.

I shudder.

Was he gonna beat me? I'm so fucked!

Godric, Pam, and Eric have a conversation but I block them out.

"Fuck! FUCK!"

Everything hurts, what was happening?!

I turned into a werewolf.

I had no idea how, but I did.

Godric P.O.V
"I don't remember her turning into a werewolf." I mumbled to my child and Pamela as Agana was ripping a couch with sharp claws.

"Because she didn't. She did it to save the life of a worthless human." Pam explained.

I thought it didn't work like that.

When you try to combine the rules of magical creatures across 2 universes:😫😩😩😩😩😩😩

Eric rolled his eyes. "This is probably going to effect the potion."

We'll just have to wait for it.

Pamela P.O.V
Uggghhh. I got put on mutt duty. That mutt owes me a new pair of shoes!

Ana finally woke up.

She ripped up the dress that I threw her, ran with vampire speed, then straddled me.

"Come on Pam, what's the rush."

She began kissing me and put her hand up my skirt.

I don't object. I mean, why should I?

After a round of sex, Eric came into the bedroom.

"Are you two having sex?"

She chuckled darkly.

"What's it to ya Viking boi?"

She closed the door with magic, I flip her over.

"Not so fast. You had your fun, now it's my turn."

Half way in we were interrupted again.

"What the fuck."

Sookie P.O.V
We made our way to the basement of fangtasia.

Severus, James, Remus, and Sirius casted spells on vampires in our way.

We made it to the door where Agana would be.

Remus ran away from the sight on the other side, crying. James and Sirius ran after him.

Severus stayed, yet had a dark look in his eyes filled with hatred towards Pam.

Bill didn't look shocked at all.

Remus P.O.V
I can't believe what I just saw.

My Moonsong and that bitch.


The boys run after me. I try to run to the bathroom in Fangtasia, I am blocked by Eric.

"I'm suprised she held in that long." He taunted. "Well Remus you should have known, vampires don't stay monogamous for long."

Ooooooooo, ominous ending. Will Agana and Remus get back together in the end? Will Agana get her memories back? Who knows? Oh wait! I do! But I can't say anything yet because spoilers suck! Bye from your favorite Gryffindork! See ya!

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