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Ana P.O.V
"WAKE UP AGANA!" My best friend shouts in my ear.


"Remus, don't you remember what happened yesterday?" I sigh grogily.

I HATE the moon. ANY moon.

Full means body destructor, others mean blood sucker.

Yesterday was full, and those are the worst.

The little sucker is lucky I love him, but wakeing me up is pushing his luck!

"Yes, miss introvert pants!" He playfully saluted.

He's right, I am a bit of an introvert. I read a lot as a result of my insecurities.

I try to drag myself out of bed, but the soreness from last night took a toll.

"Can't I just stay here forever?" I ask, trying to get out of having to wake up.

"Nope, remember today's date?"

I remembered instantly, OUR birthday.

March 10th, today is our 11th birthday.

It's weird how we have the exact same birthday, but what are you going to do?

An auburn colored owl flew into my room, carrying two letters, both falling into my lap.

I looked at the wax seal on the letter.


How was I getting a Hogwarts letter?

I'm a full blooded vampire.... oh on second thought nevermind.

I gave Remus his letter and I opened mine.

Ms Agana Lupin,
We are pleased to inform you have been accepted at Hogwarts school of witch craft and wizardry. Supplies are listed below.

~ Headmaster Albus Dumbledore

P.s we shall talk more about your "condition" when you get to school. Remember I like chocolate frogs.


"You're going to Hogwarts too?" Remus asked me.

I nodded.

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!" he rolled on the floor in excitement."I'M NOT ALONE!"

How is this kid so energetic?

"Remus! Ana! Come down here!" Hope called us down.

"Pancakes!" Me and Remus shout at the same time.

I can't have human pancakes, but they're still bloody amazing.

(Pun intended)

Hope places a plate of chocolate pancakes in front of Remus, and blood pancakes in front of me.

Sounds disgusting, but don't pee on my cornflakes!

Which I also can't have.....

I'm basically allergic to everything. Most vampires can actually consume human food, I'm just different.

After we're done eating, I go back into my bedroom after brushing my teeth and continue reading Gone With The Wind.

Which is ripped out of my hands when I'm 5 pages in.


Third Person P.O.V
Remus knew then, he was screwed.

Agana Lupin could be shy AF, but take her book.....

The Bloody Beast (True Blood Crossover/Remus Lupin Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now