Chapter 1

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"Amanda, table 3 requested that you wait on him." Gretchen informed me.
My eyebrows furrowed and I tried to look at the man who requested me. He wasn't familiar.
"Who is it?" I asked her.
She shrugged.
"No idea. I've never seen him before, hopefully he'll at least tip you decent." She said.
I nodded in agreement. I walked to the table and got my notepad out.
"What can I get you?" I asked the man.
"Coffee." He answered, without looking at me.
"Anything else?" I asked.
"Not right now." He answered.
"Coming right up." I said and walked to get his coffee.
When I came back, however, the man was gone. I looked around and set the drink down on the table. There were two 50 dollar bills on the table. My jaw dropped and I picked them up. A note was left as well.
'For you, my sweet.' It read.
I gulped, fearing that I had a stalker. I crumpled up the note and took the two 50s, leaving the coffee in case he came for it. He never did.
I started my walk back to my dorm after my shift at the diner at about 11PM and came to the gate for the cemetery. I opened the gate and started my way through the foggy field lined with tombstones. Graveyards may freak other people out but they've never really bothered me. Until tonight. I walked past the stone building and heard my name being said. The hairs on the nape of my neck rose and I shivered, pulling my coat tighter around me.
I tried to continue walking but I heard it again.
"Hello?" I called.
There was no answer and I tried to convince myself I was just imagining things. I turned around to begin walking again and I saw someone a little ways ahead.
"Hello." He said.
I gulped and took a step back.
"No, no, don't run." He said softly.
"Look, I have money. You can have it. I have one hundred dollars on me right now. You can have it, just don't hurt me." I said frightfully.
He was getting closer.
"I know you have that. But, trust me darling, you can keep the two 50s I gave you earlier." He said.
My jaw dropped.
"You're the guy from the diner. You never drank your coffee." I said, trying to make conversation so that I could get closer to the gate.
"I wasn't thirsty." He responded, close enough that I could see his face now.
"Stay away." I warned.
"I can't." He responded.
And within only a few seconds, he threw me over his shoulder and was running at what seemed an inhuman speed. I screamed and then everything went dark and silent.

I woke up some time later and slowly opened my eyes. I blinked a few times and the room stopped spinning after a few moments. My eyes focused on the back of someone in a black hoodie, sitting at the foot of the bed I was in. The sheets felt like silk and were purple and green with black. I slowly took the lamp next to the bed and sat up quietly. I swung the lamp at the back of the person's head and the glass shattered against them. It didn't seem to affect them and my eyes widened.
"I guess you're awake, then." He said.
I gulped and scooted away from the foot of the bed. He turned around and revealed his face. His... skeletal face. I mean... he was a skeleton. I screamed and he sat there calmly.
"Are you finished?" He asked dryly.
I jumped up from the bed and stood at the other end of the room.
"Stay back. Just stay away." I warned, standing against the opposite wall.
"My love, please let me-" I cut him off.
"My love??? Who the hell are you calling 'my love'? I don't know you!" I freaked.
"I understand but just-" I cut him off again.
"Ohhh I know what this is! Oh my God! Duh, I get it! It's almost Halloween! Kelly put you up to this, didn't she? Kelly! You got me! Your makeup is amazing by the way." I told him.
He sighed, getting up off the bed. I rolled my eyes as he came toward me.
"Look, it's not scary anymore. I know it's a prank so-" I was cut off when he took his hoodie off.
I could see straight through him. I couldn't help but reach toward where his stomach should be. My fingers grazed the bone and went through the space between the bones. My jaw dropped and a huge, loud, high pitched scream rippled from my mouth.
       He put his hand over my mouth and I began to hyperventilate as I felt his hand bones against my lips. I could still mostly scream through his bones and he sighed, putting his thumb to my forehead. I fell into darkness again.

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