"I'd be honoured." I reply before Bear closed church and the men head out. The music is turned up loud and booze begins flowing. I spot Bones in a booth in the corner, a nearly empty bottle of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

"I contacted Mick, he's going to see if he can find Violets body, so we can give her a proper burial. I'll let you know. I'm sorry Bones, I know how much you loved her. I'll keep in touch." I say to him over the music, he doesn't respond, only grunts. I head back out to my truck and climb in. I drive out of the compound and head for the highway, looking over to Vivi's house as I pass it for the last time.

Mick POV

Very fine shit storm those two have left behind.

"What's taking so fucking long?" I groan at the underling standing next to me

"I'll go find out Boss." He stutters before running off to the fire truck, the sun rose a few hours ago and I'm still waiting on these damn firefighters to put the fire out

"Sir this is chief Miller" underling says as he approaches me with an older balding man in uniform

"Agent Sanchez, we were surprised to find the CIA wanted in on this. We're working to get the fire out but the explosion stemmed from the basement and we're having trouble containing it due to the amount of fuel." He says

"The club that owned this were connected to drug smuggling." Underling says and I pin him with a look, he won't go far giving out intel like damn candy

"Well hurry up and put this shit out so my investigation can begin. Where are we on survivors and body counts?" I ask

"No survivors yet and I'd be shocked if we found any. I think we'll have to rely on DNA to even begin to identify bodies, this place went up with a huge fire ball, it burned so hot nothing stood much chance." Chief Miller says and I nod to him before heading back to my car

"Underling, get me a list of known enemies and we'll begin there while we wait for these numb nuts to piss out the fire." I say without looking up

"Y-yes sir." He replies before running off again. Where do they get these children?

"Sir we have a list." He says as he hands me a list and of course The Reapers Riders are at the top of it, their club was not news to the CIA but they were good at staying below radar, until now that is.

"Well, while we wait for these idiots let's hit a few suspects, see if we find anything." I say getting into my car, kicking up dust at underling as I drive passed. I watch in my mirror as he runs to his car to follow me, I do enjoy torturing these idiots in training I laugh to myself. Lucy's dad Andy would be fucking loving this one, he liked ones he could break into a crying mess and I know he would succeed with this one were he still around.

I never exactly agreed with what he did, turning dirty to avenge his wife, but I know I would've done the same if I were him. The only thing I would change is Lucy, she was so sweet and innocent as a child, just like her mother and when she died Andy took her grief and turned it to rage, he created a killing machine instead of watching his daughter blossom.

I pull up at the first place on my list, the clubhouse for The Reapers Riders and there are a long line of motorcycles parked in the lot, luckily Diego's truck isn't here, little shit actually listened to me.

"Can I help you officer?" A huge man says as I climb out of my car and approach him, from what Lucy and Diego sent me I know this is Bear, the club president.

"I'm looking for a Bear, apparently he's in charge?" I say looking down at my notepad

"I'm Bear" he growls back

"I'm investigating the explosion that killed most of the members of The Diablo motorcycle club. I'm pretty sure you had something to do with that." I say firmly, underling finally arriving at my side.

"What makes you think my club would do something like that? We are legit, we own several business, all legal." He replies crossing his arms over his chest

"Underling go and list all the vehicles, see if we can't connect one of them to the timeline. I didn't introduce myself, how rude of me, I'm agent Mick Sanchez, CIA." I say pulling my ID from my jacket pocket

"Agent Sanchez, perhaps we should talk in my office." Bear says with a knowing smile as I nod before following him inside.

"So you're the famous Mick." Bear says sitting at his desk

"That must be me, it's good to meet you Bear, Lucy and Diego spoke highly of the club." I reply as he motions for me to sit

"Diego said you would steer the investigation away from my club, so I'm a little surprised you're here." He says offering me a cigar

"Well it would look bad if I avoided questioning your club but hit all the other suspects. Nothing to worry Lucy sent me old footage from your cameras of a party from a few months back, as we speak I'm having it altered to time stamp to last night. That's your clubs alibi. You're home and free."

"I'm sorry about Violet she was a good girl." He says taking a drag from the cigar

"That she was, it's a shame her whole family was wiped out before we could take these bastards down." I reply as there's a knock at the door

"Come in." Bear says and the door opens as underling slides in, I roll my eyes as he sits next to me

"I've listed the vehicles sir want me to begin running them." He asks nervously

"No, not necessary, I'll take that list. Well thank you for your time Bear, if you could have your men send me that footage so I can confirm your alibi, then that should be the last you hear from me." I say as I stub out my cigar and stand up, Underling hot on my tail as I head out through the bar, I notice Bones slumped in a corner and casually nod to him as I head back to my car

"Next suspect underling." I say before getting in my car and heading out of the compound. As I arrive at the next destination my work cell rings

"What?" I growl as I answer the call

"Sir we need you back at the explosion site, they found some one, alive, barely and they're being transported to hospital." The agent squeaks out, I knew she was smart, it has to be her.

"On my way."

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