Chapter 1: Mistake Gone Right

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     (See introduction to characters for reference.)

     (y/n) (l/n) at first sight seemed to be a normal young man. Just last June he had graduated high school at 19 and was now helping out around the house. He didn't want to go to college or anything major. He just wanted to live a simple life with his family. He was the middle child of Hikari (l/n), a 39 year old woman who worked as the manager of a hotel. She loves her children above all and would give them the world for them. In order to do so, she works hard. She misses her passed husband who unfortunately died in a plane crash. She can see a lot of him in (y/n).

     (y/n) had two other siblings, Midori and Asuna. Midori was his older sister. She is 20 years old. She moved out after graduation and now lives in a dorm at her university. (y/n) occasionally visits her. She is studying to be a novelist. Asuna is his younger sister. She is 18 and is in her senior year of high school. She is captain of the swimming team and just a month ago won the swimming nationals. She and (y/n) have been close since they were little, and she will use any excuse to hang out with her brother

     It was a typical morning at the (l/n) household. (y/n) woke up early and prepared breakfast for his mother and sister. Ever since he graduated, he has been doing the chores around the house. He wanted to do this because his mother was already breaking her back at work and didn't need to worry about more work at home. It was the least he could do since he wasn't going to college nor had a job. He made his mother her favorite, chocolate pancakes and his sister her favorite cheddar and ham omelette. (Now I'm hungry.)

     He placed them down on the table as they were done getting ready for work and school. When they saw the food, they had very different reactions. "Thanks, Bro!" Asuna proceeded to engulf her omelette. But Hikari only looked down with guilt. "Honey, you didn't need to do this. I could have picked something up along my way to work." (y/n) only shook his head. "Nope. With how hard you work, you need to be treated like a queen." She blushed a little. That was something his father might have said. She thought it was rediculous how similar (y/n) was to his father. They looked almost identical and they had the same personality. It was almost like her husband came back from the dead and stood before her.

     They finished their breakfast and rushed back. Asuna gave (y/n) a big hug while Hikari kissed him on the cheek. When they left, he proceeded to do the chores. Washed the dishes, did the laundry, mopped the tiled floor and vacuumed the carpeted floor, and cleaned up his room. It was about lunch time by the time he was done, so he decided to make his lunch and eat it while reading his favorite writer, Sakurabu. He had been reading her work for a long while. She usually wrote typical romance stories. (y/n) was a huge romantic. He loved such stories. But for the past half year Sakurabu has been writing a new kind of story, incest stories. This shocked him at first. He never seen someone write a story so... taboo. His good judgement told him he shouldn't read them, but curiosity got the best of him. His initial disgust gave way to interest and a new kink. Before he saw incest as evil, but in these stories it was depicted as a forbidden romance that should be allowed to flourish.

     To say the least, he started to see his family in a new light. He realized for the first time that he was surrounded by a bunch of beautiful women. It was like he was blind but a miracle allowed him to see. He now began to think of erotic thoughts about them. When they weren't looking he would check them out and at night he would *cough**cough* releive himself to the thoughts of them. He was hooked!

     As he was reading Sakurabu's new story, he got a text from his mom. "Honey, I want to talk about how your doing all the chores for us. I don't want you to overwork yourself for me. I'm the mother, I'm supposed to take care of you." He texted back. "Mom, I do this because you need it. You work yourself to hard as it is. And besides, I'm an adult now, you don't need to worry about taking care of me. Now it's my turn to take care of you." He meant that with all his heart. "IK, I just feel guilty about it. I feel like I need to repay you. I'll do anything, so tell me what you want and I'll give to you." All of the sudden a perverted thought came to mind. He texted, "Be my girlfriend. I want you to be my Jocasta and me your Oedipus."

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