Crazy people

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A small group had gathered to an empty cottage deep in the woods. Two of men were discussing something important with hushed voices, as if anyone there wasn't already in on the secret. Molly was cleaning the dusty room as her husband helped his wife with whatever he could to give Remus and Sirius some much needed privacy. 

Despite Molly's efforts the room remained glum and dusty, but she continued merely to suppress her nervousness at being in a room with Sirius Black, the man she had believed to be a ruthless murderer until very recently.

Molly wasn't the only one nervous, but they needed to do this. Dumbledore himself had asked for their support on the matter. Arthur had his doubts with the plan. They were basically ambushing the one and only Alastor Moody and with Sirius Black no less. If the truth had been unbelievable to the Weasley couple than they would certainly have a hard time explaining it to Alastor. 

Arthur just wished that Molly wouldn't have insisted on coming as well. "I'm not leaving you alone with him." She had said. 

And what Molly says goes!

"Maybe a cup of tea?" Molly murmured and shuffled off to the makeshift kitchen that consisted of a fireplace and a dirty cauldron. The group gathered closer as she made her magic and produced some heavenly tea. With a flick of Molly's wand the steaming cups flew to everyone. "So, when do you think he'll be here?" Sirius asked making Molly flinch. "Might be a while. Alastor is a hard man to find." Arthur answered and took a big gulp of tea to calm his nerves.

They heard a loud thud outside. Everyone stood up and braced themselves for what was about to come. Moody wasn't really known for his hospitality despite what Dumbledore might think.  Of course Arthur knew the ex- auror and held great respect for the man, but Alastor was incredibly suspicious of everything and wouldn't take their sudden visit kindly.

The door slammed open and Moody hurried inside with something in his arms. They didn't have time to react when Moody's protective spells began to fly around the room. Like Arthur had suspected this hadn't been a good idea. "Moody stop this right now!" Arthur bellowed fearing that his dear wife might get hurt. The spells disappeared mid-air and an angry looking Alastor thumbed across the room with a scowl. "Are you impostors. Liars. How did you find this place!" Alastor yelled letting all his suspicions out. "No Moody. We are here, because Dumbledore wanted to inform you about some developments." Remus said slowly adjusting himself in front of Sirius, who Moody had yet to notice.  

Molly on the other hand did notice - not Sirius of course - but a young girl being cradled awkwardly on Alastors left arm.

"Alastor! What- Who is that?" Molly asked letting her concern show. Moody looked at the child in his arms as if just remembering what he was holding. He strode across the room with impressive speed despite his stump leg and let her down on his dusty sofa. The others gathered closer to see who it was, but no one recognized her. 

"Oh dear. She is injured." Molly didn't waste any time she knew what to do after years of healing her rumbustious children. She moved the girls brown locks out of the way to reveal a bleeding head wound. Nothing she couldn't fix. With a swift wave of her wand the blood disappeared and the wound closed up leaving a light scar on the unconscious girls hairline. 

Moody felt a growl escaping his throat when Molly had taken her wand out. He knew she wouldn't hurt the child, but he was still very much riled up. Once Molly had healed her Alastor hurried to make sure that the child was well. He didn't have time to answer any of their questions when the child suddenly woke up.


My head felt heavy and I didn't want to open my eyes, but the voices around me didn't let me rest. A disturbing sight finally woke me, almost on top of me was a large man, his face covered in scars and his electric blue eye that looked mechanic made me muffle a scream. I backed away as fast as I could with the scream still lodged in my throat. The man backed away abruptly and gave me some space. I got up and the sofa I had been lying on creaked with every movement.

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