The Earthquake

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         June sat with two friends in the library; the room was full of silence besides the bird chirps that echoed into the building from outside. Albert sat quietly, his feet were crossed over one another on a table as he read a book. June was whispering with Alen, trying to keep their voices low since other students were studying for an exam. Speaking of the exam, June wasn't looking towards it.

     "Oh c'mon June, it can't be that hard." Alen turned her head to June, she was face planted on the table.

     "For fuck sake, I didn't even study." June mumbled, lifting her head as she stretched her arms out. "I already have an F in science though, why bother." She shook her head and crossed her arms, pulling them towards her chest.

        Alen's eyes widen a bit before calming back down. "How? You literally beat the science camp last year. Actually, you beat it 4 times in a row." She told the other female, her head was tilted to the side along with a flopped ear. The other stood straight up. June sighed and simply shrugged, looking back at Albert.

       "Albert, did you study?" The male looked up, nodding softly. "Y-yeah wh-" Before he could finish his sentence, June slammed her fist into the table and groaned; she grabbed her binder and backpack before storming out the library. Although, before she could reach the door, the building shaked aggressively. She turned her head to see Alen and Albert confused, sitting up quickly and walking towards June.

      "What the hell was that?" Albert asked nervously, his eyes were full of fear. June shrugged; the building shook again.

       "We need to get out of her-" Alen was interrupted by a giant piece of the roof falling to the ground, along with a few shelves falling over.  They were all knocking themselves down like dominos. "Fuck, go to the door!" June yelled, tugging at both of the others' backpacks as they chased after her. The three ran downstairs, trying to hurry and run as fast as they can. When Albert was about to open the door to the outside, a zombie growled and stumbled towards the male. "HOLYSH-" He yelled, then Alen screamed.

      June was in shock; she quickly digged in her backpack and pulled out a gun. She shot the monster down, her body shivered in horror. Alen shook her head and began to run again, the other two chased after her. They didn't want to be left behind. As Alen took lead, the other female's head spinned in shock, her feet stepping over dead bodies. Albert tripped once the ground shook again, stumbling back onto his feet as he pushed another zombie out of his way. He ran faster until they reached a store.

      "In here!" Alen yelled, opening the woman's restroom and letting both Albert and June inside. Once everyone was in, she slammed the door closed, pressing her forehead onto the blue door. June was out of breath, while Albert breathed heavily, coughing at some points. "W-what the hell happened..?" June asked while looking at an open cut on her knee; at the moment she didn't care. Alen almost cried; she pulled her sleeve and wiped her nose gentley as tears slowly fell.

       Albert slowly leaned his back against the wall, letting his feet slide down until he sat on the floor. June walked towards the other female and gentley wrapped an arm around her. "It's okay.." She whispered softly, Alen slowly cried into her shoulder. "We need to find another place to stay.. t-the zombies will find out we are in here.." Albert explained, he curled up in a ball and shut his eyes, his face in between his legs.
       June sighed and continued to hold Alen in her arms, turning her head slightly to see the door. She hid her face in the other female's shoulder, shaking her head softly. "You're fine Alen." June gentley patted Alen's back, releasing her grip on the other. Albert slowly stood up, running a hand through his hair before fixing a beanie onto his head. "Lets get going." Alen spoke, her voice cracked a bit but she cleared her throat right after. "I-I saw a base a few minutes away from here.."

     June nodded, pulling her gun out making Albert and Alen back up a bit. "I won't hurt you guys.." She mumbled softly, opening the door to the bathroom as she walked outside. The other two looked at each other, nodding then following after June.
(Hi lmao, an old au that needs to come back 😤. dying_flowers_ and uwuSunFlowerBoiuwu)

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