Anger, Sadness, Guilt, Pain.....Depression

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Hey guys so I finally have time to post the next chapter so here I am but I'm not sure how long can make it so lets begin!!

Amy's P.O.V

When Ivo was talking to Shadow I went to wonder off around the base just to clear my thoughts. I kept thinking about the past and how I was obsessed with Sonic, but then I had flashbacks to that one day that he broke my heart on. I felt tears in the corner of my eyes but quickly wiped them away luckily no one could see sense I was........alone. I kept walking and tried to think of something else but when I thought about how I was acting when shadow confessed I started to feel guilty. I knew I was too depressed to feel anything at this point except Pain, sadness, guilt, and anger. '*sigh* why should I even try to get out of this state at least I get powers with my loneliness and sorrow.' I thought as I kept walking down the hall. Then I heard Shadow talking to Ivo. 'I must have done a huge circle' I thought as I decided to ease drop. When I got closer to the door I started to hear Ivo saying something.

Shadow's P.O.V

When the Dr and I made it to the room he wanted to train me and I got a bad feeling. When we entered the room something was off then the Dr typed in the key pad. After he was done a door opened and he told me to go in. When I walked in the room lit up and there were robots on stand by. Then the door closed and the Dr come on the communicator and told me how to use my new powers and what to do. When I started fighting I felt something moving on my arm then it consumed my whole body. When I opened my eyes I felt a burst of power and looked at myself, I was all white and there was mint green aura around me. Then more robots came and I destroyed all of them once I was done I touched my ring and turned back. Then the Dr came in ''Good Shadow it seems you have found out how to use your new transformation, but you are the only one that can we can't let Ms. Rose'' the Dr said ''why can't Rose transform?" I asked ''because if she does then we will have to kill her'' the Dr said back ''well I'm not killing her'' I said as I crossed my arms and turned away ''Shadow you're the only one that can with your powers you have to keep her in check, it's kinda like Dark Gia and Light Gia they keep each other from distroying the world and/or being corrupted. With Amy she could be corrupted very easily so when the time comes and we can't turn her back you have to kill her'' once the Dr said that my heart sank i didn't want to kill her but he's right if she is corrupted or just plain full dark and she can't turn back we will have to kill her ''*sigh* fine'' was all I could say as we started to head out.

Amy's P.O.V

As I heard that I was in shock but quickly thought of a plan. When I heard them coming I leaned on the wall with my arms crossed and my eyes closed like I normally do now and acted like I heard nothing. When we got done at the base I started to walk him but I felt Shadow grab my arm ''where are you going?" He asked ''home why" I asked '' I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a bit now that my training is done" he said "fine but I only have until 10 then i need to go home'' I said ''fine by me'' he said as he teleported us to his house. 'need to keep my emotions in check so I don't go dark' I thought as he unlocked the door. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9 so he only has an hour with me. ''what movie do you want to watch?" He asked as he grabbed a bag of popcorn for us ''any I guess'' I said sense I really didn't care. When popcorn was done we started the movie. When the clock hit 10 I told him it was time to go so we said goodbye to each other and I went home. When I got home I started to pack my stuff I had to carry light so I packed 7 outfits, water, food, and a sleeping bag. When I was done I wrote a note.


To anyone who reads this,

I'm sorry but I can't deal with acting like I'm fine and trying to be cheerful so I am leaving. Don't bother looking for me you won't find me, I will be fine and I'm sorry for being so annoying. Sonic I hope you and Sally do well, Cream good luck with Tails, Tails don't stop doing what you love, Sally have fun while I'm gone, Knuckles keep guarding the master emerald, Rouge I give you privilege to go into my jewelry box and I have a safe under my rug in my bedroom, Shadow don't worry about me and don't try to find my chaos trail it won't work, Tell Ivo I said thanks for the help. I'm sorry everyone but it's better this way so I won't hurt you and Shadow won't have to kill me. This is goodbye old friends, leader, boss, and lover.

Amy Rose


When I got done writing the last part I felt tears in my eyes again and the darkness moved up to my elbow then stopped as I wiped them away. I put the note on my desk with the chaos emerald and my communicators next to it after I made a fake emerald. Then I grabbed my stuff and used the fake to teleport to a cave far away from Mobius.When I got there the Fake disintegrated and the energy trail was gone. then I went to bed.

Shadow's P.O.V

The Next Day

When I woke up I had a really bad feeling like something was wrong. I quickly put on my gloves and shoes and ran out the door to Rose's house. When I got there I knocked but there was no answer so I knocked again still no answer. I started to get worried so I let myself in. When I entered it was dark so I turned on the lights and looked around. she wasn't there, when I went to her room I found a note and read it. When I finished reading the last few words I broke down and fell to my knees. I couldn't believe she heard me and the Dr's conversation that's why she wanted to go home last night. I should have asked her to stay, I should have watched her, I should have never left her alone. I ran out the door to the rest to give them the note and to see if tails has a way of tracking her. When I got there everyone was about to start a meeting which I didn't want to go to but I had to give them the note. ''woah shads what's wrong you look worried'' Faker asked I gave him the note '' look for yourself faker'' I said as he took it and read it out loud. When he finished everyone was in shock, I took the note back and teleported it to the Dr. ''What are we going to do?" I asked not caring if I sounded worried ''we go looking for her" Faker said as the group were about to leave they stopped as one question popped up in there head. "Before we do though, Explain what she meant by now you won't have to kill her" Faker demanded "fine". with that I told him everything I knew about the rings and what will happen to her along with what I had to do if it did happen but I left out the working with the Dr part. "So that's how she used those powers that ring enhanced her old ones and gave her new ones, so she could turn invisible and use chaos control before" Faker said I nodded. "well we better find her before she changes" Tails said then we all left.

Amy's P.O.V

I was in the field outside relaxing when I saw a blue and a black rose I remembered my friends and how much I missed them but then all the bad times came to view and I felt the darkness painfully moving up my arm and throughout my body but it stopped at my neck. I just shrugged it off and went back to the cave and went to sleep.

Well I'd say that was medium anyways I hope you liked it and I'll see you in the next chapter bye!!

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