-> Poemaster's note <-

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Hi guys! Its me, MsPingpingWP obviously d>_<b hihihi~

So first ieexplain ko lang kung bakit sa cover ko ay nakalagay Poetry made by ashesfading. Ginawa kasi yan ng friend ko (Park Marie) para sa cover ko ofcouse but, I accidentally logged out my official account and I forgot my password HAHAHA so no choice dahil mahal ko ang wattpad, gumawa ako ng bago which is eto nga :)

So sa lahat po ng Poems na mababasa niyo ay MOSTLY sakin po so my ilalagay po akong other poems pero gawa rin po ng aking ibang wattpad friends.

Hope you like it! Read, vote and share!

Yours truly~

PoetryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang