Daryl had lagged behind to wait for her as she jogged to catch up with them, running a hand through her hair. Riley stayed at his side during the walk back to the car, travelling through the woods as a small short cut,

"Glenn!" Maggie called out

"Thank God" Glenn replied, wrapping his arms around her

"Now we got a problem here" Rick said "I need you to back up" looking at Merle

"What the hell is he doing here?" Michonne asked, raising her katana

"Hey, hey, hey" Merle chuckled, raising his hand and stump

"Put it down" Rick ordered

"He tried to kill me" Michonne said

"If it wasn't for him--" Glenn said

"He helped us get out of there" Daryl replied

"Yeah, right after he beat the shit out of you" Maggie said

"Hey, we both had our licks man" Merle said with a smirk

"Jackass" Daryl muttered, walking past him

"Hey, shut up!" Merle ordered

"Enough" Rick ordered "put that down" looking at Michonne, pointing his gun at her head

"Get that thing out of my face" Michonne said

"Man, looks like you've gone native brother" Merle commented

"No more than you" Riley said

"Hanging out with that psycho back there" Daryl added.

"Oh yeah man" Merle said with a smirk "he's a charmer, I got to tell you that. Been putting the wood in your girlfriend, Andrea" looking at Michonne "bit time, baby"

"What?" Maggie asked

"Andrea's in Woodbury?" Rick asked

"Right next to the Governor" Merle replied

"I told you to drop that" Rick said to Michonne

"Hey, do you know Andrea?" Glenn asked Michonne

"Yep, she does" Merle replied with a smirk "her and blondie spent all winter cuddling up in the forest. Mm-mmm-mmm. Yeah" looking at Michonne "my Nubian queen here had two pet walkers. No arms, cut off the jaws, kept them in chains. Kind of ironic now that I think about it"

"Shut up, bro" Daryl said

"Hey, man, we snagged them out if the woods" he replied "Andrea was close to dying"

"Is that why she's with him?" Rick asked

"Yeah" Merle replied "snug as two little bugs" looking at Rick "so what you gonna do now, sheriff, huh? Surrounded by a bunch of liars, thugs, and cowards--"

"Shut up!" Daryl said

"Oh, man, look at this" he replied "bunch of guns with no bullets in them"

"Merle, shut up!" Daryl shouted

"Shut up yourself!" Merle snapped "bunch of pansies you roll--"

Riley had enough of this, her right fist connected with Merle's cheek in a hard punch, causing his head to ricochet at the force, staggering back slightly before looking at her,

"Heh heh" he chuckled "damn Riles, still know how to pack a punch" looking at her "good to know that you --"

She threw another punch to his cheek, causing him to stagger back once more, Daryl not doing anything to stop it, knowing she need to get it out of her system, her breathing heavy with anger as she looked at Merle,

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now