Back in Black

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Ring, Ring,....


"Alex, Oh thank god, I'm so glad you answered!"

"Blake? What the hell? How are you- But you're-I'm looking at your dead body right now! How are you talking to me over the phone?"


"OK ok, calm down." "Alex, who are you talking to right now?" I hear Dad ask, in a broken voice.

"Alex, hand the phone to dad."

"Hello, who is this?"

"Daddy? It's me, Blake. I'm so sorry!" I cried out bawling into the phone, falling to the floor. " I heard what you and Loki were saying cuz I was hiding from him under the bed. And I felt really bad for hurting you guys so badly and I thought if I wasn't......I'm really sorry!!" There was a huge silence before I heard dad yelling that I was still alive and there was a huge commotion. Then dad got back on the phone.

"If you are really my daughter, tell me what my nickname for you was and how Loki connected that to him and how you were in his eyes."

"You call me your little sunshine and Loki said, and I quote, 'She is my ray of sunlight breaking through the darkness I was kept in.' Believe me now?"

"Blake's still here? She isn't gone forever?" I heard Loki whisper, dad must have put it on speaker phone. "Blake, do you know where you are right  now?" Tony asked, concerned and wondering.

"Like I told Alex, I have no clue! I woke up and started freaking out about this! NO wait.....there is a calendar on the wall and it says.... Moravia Central School District? Does that ring any bells for you guys?" 

"Yeah, no...not really. But I'm tracking your phone right now through the call and I have your coordinates. You are near a town called Moravia, and that's where the school are. Don't worry, we will be there as fast as we can. Don't do anything stupid." "I'm teleporting to her."

"Loki, don't. Please don't. I don't know if I'm even ready to face you again, because I know I hurt you more than I can even imagine and I'm really sorry." Then I felt someone hug me from behind and I knew he was already here. I started to tear up and I felt weak. My legs gave out from under me and Loki slid down to the ground and held me in his arms.

"Blake, you will never know how much it hurt to see you dead and how I couldn't save you. Please don't leave me again. I need you more than you will ever know." He whispered, crying into my new black hair. I turned around to face him and I dropped the phone in the process. I looked up at his tear soaked face and wiped his tears away.

"Please stop crying or I'm going to start crying, then we will both be a bawling mess." I said, tears now threatening to make that happen. He held my face in his hands  and brushed my cheek with his thumb. "I promise, I won't do anything like that ever again."

"You better not, love. I can't bear to see you in pain or even be away from you or keep secrets from you. You are the best thing I never knew I needed until I first met you. And I promise to always keep you out of harms' way even if it means putting my self in danger." I hug him back, burying my face in his Asguardian armour, which smelled like sweat and tears. Then I shove him back and cough.

"God, Peter was right. We did stink and need showers." Loki just laughs at me and I laugh with him. Then I hear the back door burst open and Loki picks me up bridle style.

"Blake, love. Play dead." he whispered into my ear. I shook my head at him and swatted his arm. 

"I am not going to make them think I died again. The first time was cruel enough."

His Mischievous Heart: Loki Fanfic [MIGHT GET SCRAPPED AND REWRITTEN]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora