Start from the beginning

When I finally finish getting ready I walk out of the bedroom with Blaze behind me. I open the door to see Cassidy and Ella conversing with Dean. Dean finally notices me behind Ella and Cassidy. He smiles and walks over to me "Hey there, 'girl on fire', Nice dress." He laughs and bends down to pet Blaze. I smile " 'girl on fire', are we quoting Alecia Keys? Thanks, and thanks for last night" we both smile and Cassidy raises a curious eyebrow in my direction. "No problem, just doing my duty, brining smiles to beautiful girls' faces. Let me know if you need me again" he winks. Cassidy joins in with a smirk "Last night?" she asks. Dean rubs the back of his neck "stop trying to start trouble Cas, I found her in the conservatory after she almost turned our half brother into a Ky kabob." Cassidy pushed her hair over her shoulder and placed a hand to her chest "Me? Start trouble? Anyways... Let's not keep Enna waiting." She turns on her four inch heel and motions for us to follow.


We finally turn to face a set of doors, both decorated with a seemingly ancient design. Each door had a large ornate tree with beautiful patterned leaves. On the right door, there was a girl about my age in a long beautiful dress with long hair, cascading around her. The design was so intricate and detailed that it looked real. She was sitting in a field of flowers beneath the tree. On the left door there was a tall, handsome boy on a beautiful horse. The scene was breath taking but also sorrowful. Cassidy and Ella reached to each push a door open and I caught one last glimpse of the scene before it was separated by the room behind it.

In the center of the room there was another set of 'thrones' identical to the ones at the party but with five extras added. One row of the thrones were larger than the others. I assumed they were for the original Kayde family.The two thrones in the center held Cienna and Dianna. Cienna sat in a throne of diamond. Dianna's throne was made of emeralds. Next to Dianna, sat Garrett. Garrett's throne was made of platinum. On the other side of Cienna, the throne was empty. Across from the family, there were five extra thrones. Will sat in one that looked as if it was made of sunlight or pure gold. Ky sprawled in one of bronze. There were four left, including the one next to Cienna... One of sapphires, one of Amethyst, one of Gold, and one of Rubies. Cassidy sat in the Sapphire throne, Ella sat in the Amethyst throne, and Dean sat in the Golden throne. There was one left, but I didn't dare amuse myself and believe it was for me. But, of course it was. "This one is yours my dear" Cienna said, placing a hand on the chair beside her. I slowly inched my way toward the throne, as if it were to attack me. Finally 'convinced' it wouldn't, I cautiously sank onto the throne. Cienna smiled at me and clapped "well, now that everyone is here... let's get to business, shall we? Lillian, I understand things are a little hard for you to understand right now but we need to get things in order" she paused and looked at everyone sitting in their respective thrones. When her eyes got back to me she continued "here at Kayde mansion we help children like you to control their abilities, and we give them a place to stay... a place to belong and call home some might say. There has been a spot open for you for some time now. If you wish, you can stay here to live and control your abilities with the people you know and see here and many others." Jeez, she was born to give speeches. "We understand how your... mother... feels about us and what she wants for you. But, well, this is your choice sweetheart. This is a decision you need to make on your own." She waited for me to reply with kind and expectant eyes. Eyes that I felt like I knew. But, I took a while to answer, mulling the words over in my mind. I mean, what was I supposed to say. My world has just been turned upside down and everyone's concerned about living arrangments?

"What about my mom? What's going to happen to her if I leave?"

"She will probably stay in the house you are living in now- though, there are no guarantees... You are free to see her when you wish. This isn't a prison Lillian." a few chuckles sounded from those around me. "What" I struggled for words that were on the tip of my tongue. "What kind of powers do other people have?" I asked. Cienna answered " I can influence weather, and people's decisions. " Ella put her hand on my back and it felt reassuring just having it there. Garrett stood. "I can teleport people and objects" the minute he said that he was gone. Soon after, he reappeared behind my chair with his arms draped over my shoulders. " I can also cloak people and objects, let me know if you want me to show you more..." he said with a coy smile. Dianna sighed from the other side of Cienna, "sit down you idiot" she said to him. He made an exasperated face. Playfully he tugged a strand of my hair and teleported back to his seat.

Next, Dianna said " I have the power to control nature and heal people." she stretched her hand out in front of her. A small flower started to grow and bloom. She bent down to pluck it from the hard polished stone flooring and handed it to me. "Thank you, it's beautiful. Your power is so pretty" I reply while sniffing the flower. It was a bright pink hibiscus. Dianna smiled. "Thank you."

Next, Will stood up. "I can shape shift and mimic any sound." Next thing I know, I'm looking at an exact copy of myself. My jaw drops in shock. William smirks and starts moving his hands up and down his 'copy' of my body. "I could get used to this" he smiles - using my voice!- when he sees the look of pure shock begin to cast itself over my face. Dean chuckles, " I think you're freaking her out with how happy you are, Will..." Will smirks one last time and changes back to himself, before siting back down in his throne.

Cassidy jumped up, "I can control water and manipulate reality" she says beaming with excitement. "Dean, would you be so kind?" she asks and he produces a large bowl of water from thin air. Her hands hover over the bowl and a small tornado of water starts to form. "Wow! That's amazing!" I say, fixated on the torrent before me. Cassidy smiles from ear to ear. "Thanks!" The water falls back into the bowl with a splash and both the bowl and water disappear. "I can control any metal and manipulate blood" Ky says from his seat. Of course he can manipulate blood. Apparently, he wasn't in the mood for show and tell. Ella turns to me, "well, you already know my powers, I can read people's minds and see visions. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you earlier" she says. I see a pang of guilt flood her eyes. I smile, "Ella it's okay, I know now, and that's all that matters." I give her a sympathetic hug.

Lastly, dean says, "you already know my powers too." I let go of the comfort of Ella and say "yes, thank you." We smile at each other. Not breaking our gaze. Finally, Cienna claps, breaking the silence.

"Well, now that everything is in order, Lillian, sweetheart, why don't you take Ella and get yourself packed?" Ella and I rise from our seats and walk to the door. Garrett teleports to us. "I'll come too, I can teleport your boxes" he says with a wry smile.

Yes, let's go home. Home, how can I go there knowing that I will be leaving that care free and easy life behind. The life that had seemed so monotonous, yet so safe at the same time. Yes, let's go see my mother.

A/N: thank you so much to my lovely readers! It means so much to me. Let me know what you thought of this chapter. If you liked it please click the little star to vote on it.

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