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Rowa POV

  I was running through the forest for... no reason at all, looking for something , or nothing at all. But there was nothing but dead brush and trees. All of a sudden I smell smoke and fire dances across the trees in front of me, when out of the corner of my eye I see a small stone building with a metal gate, but before I could do anything I'm sorrounded in flames as red as Phoenix.
  I jolt away to an entirely too familiar voice at my door.
  "Rowa wake up its 1 pm, you slept far too late for your liking." Aaron said pounding on my door. "Open up or I'll... I'll, make Guinnie break your door down."
  "What?" Guinnie asks slightly startled. "Why do I have to.?"
  "Because its impolite and I don't want to be impolite" he said simply.
  "Aaron, you do know its impolite to even suggest breaking down a door, right?" I said grabbing my clothes. I grabbed simple black pants, a black shirt, my scurf, (:3) and a brown jacket. I slipped them on at my door before opening it and walking out slipping on my favorite pair of boots as I left.
  "It is?" Aaron asked being stupidly adorable. "N-nevermind that we need to leave before the maids find out we took the keys again" he said dangling the keys in front of my face. I quickly snatch the keys out of his hands slightly startling him. "Hey, now that's being impolite." He says with a somewhat annoyed face.
  I giggle at his remark. "Not if they're your keys" I say walking down the hall to the bathroom where I do my hair. I walked out five minutes later with my long dark curly brown hair neatly laid on my back.

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