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The sun cast down an overwhelming candescent glow, glistening throughout the neighbourhood as it gracefully submerged its self beneath the horizon.  As consequence, the sky turned from a royal blue to a dazzling gradient of scarlet, tangerine and magenta.

A persistent warm summer breeze sent an ensemble of miniature pieces of debris in a particular direction.  Tossing and tumbling along the concrete paths, battling through the stifling, humid and clammy air.

A middle-aged man, was in his front yard collecting litter ensuring the upkeep of his house.  He picked up an empty Coca-Cola can before depositing it into an oversized, black garbage bag.

Suddenly, a bright candy apple red car zoomed past, which unfortunately caused the large garbage bag to collapse and for the contents to spill out onto the concrete pathway.

As if synchronised, a gusty breeze blew past, sending the bits and pieces of rubbish into chaotic journeys along the street.  The man yelled out:

"Hey!" While simultaneously raising his left arm and vigorously shaking his clenched fist in the air with sheer outrage and anger.  This cognitive action was followed up with the shaking of his head.  He then picked up the black plastic bag before proceeding to recollect the detritus.

Loud music blared throughout the neighbourhood (disturbing the serenity), the source of which was emanating from massive 'JBL speakers' and a discotheque sub-woofer within the red car.

There were five adolescents seated in the vehicle.  They were desperately attempting to make casual conversation with one another.  However, the loud head-banging cacophony of noises (albeit) music was hindering their efforts.  One of them then turned the volume right down to a sensible, audible level.

"Come on Marty!  Stop being such an introvert!  It'll be fun!" stated Claudia whilst lightly punching Marty on the arm.

"I'm only coming because you guys wouldn't shut up or leave me alone about it." Marty retorted, turning to his side window and continuing to observe the outside view.

"Fine then." Claudia rolled her emerald green eyes before continuing. "But by the time we get back you're going to thank us."

"Please, stop arguing." Marcia begged from the front seat.

"Jesus Christ, it's so fucking hot!" Todd complained from the driver's seat.

He slammed his sweaty, sausage-like fingers onto the buttons on the dashboard, over dramatizing his attempt to turn on the air conditioner.

"I know right," Stanley agreed.

The school term had concluded a week prior giving the students a two-week break.

They were all exhausted after the intensive exams, which had taken place in the last week of school.  Claudia had decided that spending some time at an amusement park would help to brighten up everyone's mood.  In doing so, they could all have a good time.

They planned to go on well known rides like The Roller Coaster; The Ghost Train and The Pirates Ship, (that large seesaw ride which would swing high up into the sky and then rapidly descend before swinging up again and so on).

"Are we almost there yet?" Stanley interrogated.

"Yeah, just a few minutes more." Todd replied.

Shortly afterwards, they arrived at their location.  However, what baffled and puzzled their minds was that the car park was completely empty!  Not one vehicle (of any description) or a single solitary person was in sight!

They exited the vehicle; the slamming of the car doors seemed to be even louder due to the ghostly silence.

"That's strange." Marcia declared.

The Freakshow MassacreHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin