Chapter One

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Chapter One

It was three months into Addi's sophomore year and she hated every moment of it. Living in Ocala, Florida was not exactly fun for anyone, but little did she know Ocala, Florida was about to get a lot more interesting.

Addison Lucas crawled out of bed forcing her body to wake up, and it wasn't exactly cooperating. As she stood up and stretched she regretted staying up until one with her phone in her face.

She glanced at her clock across the room while it continued to regurgitate the horrific sound of her alarm. It was Monday and like the rest of humanity, Addi hated Mondays.

"Addison!" G-ma yelled, "Are you ready to go?"

"Almost damn it!" Addi yelled out while she wrapped a towel around her wet body.

This was an everyday thing for them. Addi did not like being to school early, or on time, so she set her alarm ten minutes later than the reasonable to time to wake up and get ready. This has been her intentional habit since she started junior high school. It originally started as a way to avoid having to talk to people she didn't like before school, but then it just became normal.

Addi looked through her drawers at a rather limited selection of clothes. Nothing she would pick out would match. She looked over at her overflowing basket, the pile of clothes was now as high as her dresser.

"G-ma! Can you wash my clothes today?"

G-ma didn't answer, but she didn't need to, Addi knew it would get done.

Addi stood in front of the mirror and stared at her mismatched selection and shrugged, not like anyone would notice.

G-ma, a rather tall older woman in her early sixties, stood by the kitchen counter watching the mini television she kept on the counter.

G-ma was not Addi's real mother, or grandmother. Addi has been adopted at the age of three, but she had been given up just after birth. G-ma, whose real name was Lisa, and Jenkins Monroe had always wanted a child, but were never able to conceive. As hard as they tried G-ma never became pregnant. Eventually, and little late in life, they decided to adopt Addi. Addi, however, was given up after her parents had named her and took her home. It took them just three days to change their mind, at least that is what child services told G-ma and Jenkins. After hearing the story they decided to let her keep her birth name and allow her to find her birth parents when she grows up.

Addison came racing down the stairs in hopes to leave without having to be driven. They lived exactly two blocks from the high school and she wasn't allowed to walk alone.

"Hey where are you going?" G-ma called stopping Addi in her tracks. When Addi turned around G-ma's head cocked back in surprise. "What in the good Lord's name are you wearing Addison?"

Addi rolled her eyes and sighed. "Clothes, G-ma."

"I see, but why don't you match?"

Addi shrugged, "I need my clothes washed."

"Yes I know. I will have them done later for you." G-ma picked up an apple and handed it Addi, she knew if she didn't physically hand Addi food in the morning, she wouldn't eat.

"Thanks, I'll let you know if I am coming home or staying with Eli and Brook."

G-ma sighed, "Alright." She grabbed her car keys. "Are you ready?"

"Do you have to drive me? I can walk you know. You are just wasting gas, think of all the pollution you are putting into the air." Addi said this at least three times a week.

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