Chapter Four: "Oh Dear God" Pt. One

Start from the beginning

I shook my head as I then continued down the walk way that lead towards the play grounds I visited on a usual basis. I knew I could find some peace and quiet, and I needed that.
I made my way over to the swings and sat so I was facing towards the road, slowing pushing myself while I gripped onto the chains that suspended the seat.
I staring over at the Edwards house as their daughter Lily and her brother Darcy played on the front of their lawn. A small smile popped up on my face, as I imagined myself when I was their age. Lara-Jean, Margot, myself and Josh. I let out a sigh at the thought of him, and how idiotic I was being, I should just go and talk with him. Maybe make up something instead of the truth. But then again, that wouldn't be a good idea, especially since we vowed to not lie to each other. The only rule is that we have to tell the truth and nothing but the truth when the other asks, and if we don't ask, we don't have to tell. That was it. And from all the weird and dodgy way I've been acting, he would ask.

I heard a loud beep of a horn, this snapping me out of my trans. I looked up as Mrs Sanderson drove past the park slowing down just enough to say hi and wave, I smiled and waved back then someone in the passenger seat leaned forward. It was Josh, and I froze at the sight of him. Then the car drove off, leaving my guilt ridden self to my own thoughts.
The look on his face, I had only seen that a couple of times, and it wasn't involved with some great situations.
Then a loud boom of thunder was heard, I looked up to see dark clouds and then water. Lots, of, water. I closed my eyes and let out a frustrated sigh before opening my eyes. I stood and began quickly making my way home. A good ten minutes in rain. Today was honestly going wonderful.


I came around the corner, my arms wrapped around my body as I shook from the cold. I walked on the opposite side of the street as I went past Lara's and Josh's house before crossing the road. I pushed the gate open and ran up to the porch, shaking my soaking shirt a bit as I walk to the door and attempt to open it. The door knob didn't move.
'Locked?' I thought to myself and groaned. I had forgotten mom was going out with her friends for the night.
I looked to a note that was pinned to the door frame, it read 'honey, I'm going to be out for the night. You can go and stay with one of your friends. Just call me when you get this.' I looked behind the the piece of paper to see my phone in a plastic sandwich bag also pinned to the doorframe. I pulled them both off and placed the letter in my pocket, then dialled my moms number, it ring twice before she answered.
"Ri, you okay?" She asked, I scoffed a little.
"Just dandy" I proclaimed with a tone filled with sarcasm and infuriation.
"Okay, I'm sorry I didn't remind you. Just go to one of your friends place, okay?" He questioned.
"Yes, okay, okay. I will. Have fun at your night out. Love you" I smiled as I knew she'd be coming home with a killer headache.
"I love you too, I gotta go." I let out a hmm to her statement and then she hung up. I held my phone as I walked down the steps and out my front gate. I was still raining but I didn't really care at the moment, and my phone case was water proof so I wasn't worrying too much. I walked down the walk way towards Lara's house before I saw them pull out of their drive way and down the road. I huffed as I stopped on the spot. I looked up and saw the sky was getting darker and dark with each second. Then looked over to my left at the Sanderson's house, and knew it was my only option at this point in time.
I swallowed my pride and made my way up to their porch and then the front door, I went to knock but the door opened to revel Mrs Sanderson, she frowned her brows and then invited me in.
"Dear god, you're covered in water. What happened?" She questioned as I stood still.
"I got stuck in the rain, and then forgot mom had a thing she had to go to, so I got locked out of the house thanks to my forgetfulness" I stopped and looked down at the small pool of water forming at my feet, "I'm sorry" I stayed and she laughed.
"No it's okay, it's just water. Honey, get a towel" she shouted to her husband, then looked back at me, "you can stay here for the night" she said, a panicked look crossed my face for a second as I froze again.
"Oh, no I-i really shouldn't..." I continued to ramble on, but Mrs Sanderson placed a hand on my right shoulder.
"It's okay, really" she gave me a reassuring smile.
"I don't think Josh would want to see me though, I really can go, honestly Mrs Sander-" she cut me off by shaking her head.
"Well whatever it is, Josh can grow up and deal with it" she said half making me laugh.

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