chapter two: home.

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  chapter two: home.


"Good morning sweetie." Dad says. You ignored him. "What's wrong with you now?" My mom scoffs. "Nothing." You replied. "Well I made some bacon and eggs, they're on the table." My mom states. You walk over to the dining table to eat your breakfast. You sit down and crunch into the bacon. And then you start eating your eggs, and sipping your green tea. You got up and put your dishes in the sink. You decided to do the dishes because you knew mom was going through a lot, so you didn't want to be a burden on her. Dad cheated on her and they had lots of fights. Tom was never there. Dad would get drunk every night, sometimes in the morning as well. You always saw them fight but yet mom didn't let him go. You would be up upstairs, listening to them fight for hours and hear glass shattered. Things slowly got a little better but then on January 2nd dad took his own life for no god damn reason. Leaving me, my mom, and my older brother here, on earth, alone. You felt pain in your heart. You slowly woke up as you felt someone shaking you.

*end of dream*

"Wake up y/n." Your brother said. You were breathing heavily, your heart was beating fast, and your head was throbbing. "Wha-" I said before my mom cut me off, "We're here y/n." Your mom said as she gave a slight smile. I got up my eyes still blurry. I rubbed my eyes, stretching and yawned. "Mama do you have pain killer? My head's throbbing." "Yes its in my purse." I walked over to the other side of the car, reaching for the purse and grabbed the pain killer pills. After taking the pain killer I glanced at the house and smiled, it wasn't a great house but at least I have a roof over my head.

*time skip*

As you got done moving the boxes inside the house, you went outside and smiled at the sunset. It was beautiful. "Cmon y/n, moms making her special pasta." Tom said. "Alrighty, i'll be inside in five minutes." You reply. You lean against the car staring at the sunset. I hope this is the place I can call home. You started thinking about that dream you had. As you looked down you realized that you should be heading inside. As you walk inside you could smell the chicken and pasta. It made you pretty hungry considering the fact you didn't eat till 7 am and its now 6 pm. You walked over to the couch and sat down next to your brother. "So you like the house?" He said as he took a weed out. "Yes its alright." You smiled. "Be grateful." He stated. "I know." You said softly. He pulled you in for a hug but you pulled back. "Damn that weed smells like shit!" You yell. He laughs. "Foods ready!!" Your mom yelled. You and your brother got off the couch and got some pasta. "This is so good mom, thank you." You said. "Thanks darling." She replied. "Damn boy you need to stop smoking that weed its stinkin up the house." Mom said. "Shoot." Tom said. We all giggled.

*time skip*

You walked upstairs and went into your bathroom. You turned on the sink, washed your face with soap, brushed your teeth, and used mouth wash. You patted your face dry with a towel.  Then you applied some moisturizer to your face and sprayed some perfume. As you walked out of the bathroom you slipped into your comfy gray sweatpants and a f/c t-shirt. You open the door and shouted "Goodnight mama, Night Tom!!" "Goodnight, love ya!" They both replied. You slowly closed the door and jumped into your comfy bed. You were so mentally exhausted. You looked around your beige colored painted room covered with some fairy lights and family photos, and a long mirror. You closed your eyes slowly drifting to sleep inhaling the cinnamon scent in your room.

*time skip to after breakfast*

"Ok guys go get ready !! We're gonna head to the DX to buy some things for this week." Mom said. "Ok mom." Me and my brother replied. You walked upstairs put on some skinny jeans with black greaser boots, a black tucked in t-shirt, and a brown leather jacket on top. You walked into the bathroom and combed your straightened hair. You applied a little mascara, blush, and bronzer. You then sprayed some perfume and headed out.
"Get in the car !!" My mom shouted. "Beat you to it!!" You said to your brother. He chuckled. You ran as fast as you could and luckily you got to the front seat first. "Ha. ha." Your brother said seriously while you were laughing. "Whatever."

You finally arrived at the DX you put on your gray aviators and jumped out of the car. "I promise you can sit in the front on the way back." I chuckled looking at my brother across from the car. "Alrighty." He replied. Your mom stopped you guys in the front of the door of the DX and said "Alright guys so all we need for this week is some meat, junk food, utensils, and water. So Tom you get the meat and junk food and y/n you get the utensils and water." "Gotchya." You two said. You walked into the DX and went to the guy standing at the front counter. "Uh hi !! Where are your guys utensils? Oh and water?" You asked the man. He looked up. He had soft brown greasy hair and the most beautiful green eyes. "Uhm right there next to the chips." He said. "Thank you." You smiled. He smiled back. You walked over to the utensils and grabbed some forks, spoons, and some napkins. You then grabbed a crate of water bottles and spotted your brother walking towards you. "You done y/n?" "Yup." You replied. You placed the stuff on the counter and mom handed her credit card to the movie star looking guy. "So y'all goin on a road trip or somethin?" He asked. "No just moved here, we need some things for the week." You smiled. "Alright well welcome to Tulsa !! I'm Sodapop. Soda for short." He said. "Alright Soda. I'm y/n." You replied. "Nice to meet you y/n. And your name is?" Soda asked Tom. "Tom. Tom l/n." He said proudly. "Well hope you folks have a great day. See ya." Soda said. I smiled at him. "Awe, y/n your blushing !!" Tom says as we walk out. "Shut up." You said. You both get in the car and mom starts driving out. "Mom when am I gonna get my own car?" You asked. "Yeah, me too." My brother asked. "As soon as I can afford it." My mom replies. You stare up at the bright blue sky, admiring it. Maybe living in Tulsa won't be so bad. "So y/n, are you ready for school next week?" My mom asks. "No.. not really." You reply. "Awe. Cmon you'll make great friends." Your mom said. "Yeah right." Tom chuckled. I rolled my eyes and as soon as I knew it we were home. Home. <3

a/n: hey so I doubt im gonna get a lot of views but I just love writing I can't help it, lmao. But my next chapter will be posted tomorrow !! Also sorry if I made any mistakes ‼️

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