Chapter Three: The Letters

Start from the beginning


I decided to go to school the next day with Lara, as a safety net for her, and especially cause I felt a lot better than I had previously did two days ago. I decided on just a simple outfit, nothing too much trouble.

A simple jumper over a white shirt, black jeans ripped at the knees, a pair of sneakers, a denim jacket and my back pack

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A simple jumper over a white shirt, black jeans ripped at the knees, a pair of sneakers, a denim jacket and my back pack.

While I was getting my stuff for school, I couldn't help think I should stay home. My internal fear of seeing Eddie and his stupid proud smug face would surely make me hurl this mornings breakfast all over him. But then again if the chances of that happening are fifty-fifty, than I wanna take those odds.

I finished breakfast and kissed my mom goodbye, and made my way out the door. Walking past Josh's house and then onto the Coveys lawn, before making my way to the front door. I knocked twice, and waited. I always loved going to school with Lara and Kitty, we used to do it all the time, then kind of stopped. But whatever it was that happened, we were back in motion, so to speak.

The front door opened and I spun around seeing Kitty.
"Hey, come on in" she said with a cheerful smile, then I made my way in. I saw Lara in the kitchen eating breakfast, she waved me over to her.
"Hey, we're driving. You good with that?" She questioned before taking another spoon of cereal in her mouth. I gave her an agreed nod before sitting down.
I was hoping today would be good, I really needed a good day.


We arrived at school half an hour after I showed up at Lara's, and I was already feeling uneasy. Lara-Jean could tell, this was obvious as she kept looking over every once in a while.
We made our way from Lara-Jeans locker to mine, I began putting in my combination and pulled at the door forcing it to open. I looked over at Lara catching her staring again, letting out a sigh in response.
"Okay, what's wrong?" I asked turning to face her, she frowned her brows and shook her head lightly, "you've been giving me looks for thirty minutes" I added as I pulled my art book and English book out. Lara let out a defeated sigh and she slightly crumpled before adjusting her posture.
"Fine. I'm worried about your letter a bit. I mean, I thought about it and it's Eddie. He'll believe anything if it means hope of getting with you." Lara states as I stare at my locker and let out a sigh, I turned to look at Lara.
"Guess it was a good thing I took boxing last summer" I half smirked to myself, then looked down the hall seeing Josh. He smiled and waved. I returned the gesture, then Lara turned around and panicked before turning back to face me.
"You, me, leaving, now!" She half shouted as she ripped me from my locker and slammed the door shut. She continued to drag me down the hall towards home room, her left hand clutching to my right arm for dear life as we turned a corner sharply.


The morning had been pretty bland to be honest, english was boring, and bio was just assignment work. Now it was first break, and I had decided to go for a walk around school. Some fresh air would do better for me than just sitting around inside. I ended up near the bleachers where Josh, Lara and I would sit. But I didn't see Josh, I let out a sigh as I trudged over and sat down on one of the steps. Gazing around I found nothing really interesting, so I decided to grab my lunch.
Rummaging through my bag I found my lunch, then opened it I let out a soft chuckle as I found cough drops and aspirin in my bag of food with a little note saying "just in case you need it. Love Mom" I smiled at this and pulled out my sandwich, I looked up to see the hung head of Josh Sanderson as he gazed down at his phone. I took a large bit of my sandwich and just waited for him to notice me. He would rarely notice normally, just keep his head hung until he came to the bleachers.
He looked up for a moment, then back down at his phone before he actually gazed over, fully realising I was there. A smile formed as he put his phone away.
"Hey, you're back" he states as he comes to a stop at the foot of the bleachers. I gave him a nod as I swallowed my food.
"Yes I sure am" I sounded half sarcastic with my nasally words, then frowned in response to this.
"You okay?" Josh questioned as he sat on the step my feet were on, letting his feet hang over the side.
"Yeah, just tired" to be honest I was extremely tired, but it wasn't that which was making me feel a bit off, it was the idea that somewhere, in this school, Eddie was walking around with that letter of mine, and it was unnerving.
"Okay" Josh said sounding unconvinced as he stared down at his novel.

The rest of break was like this, just silent for moments, nothing awkward. We ended up walking to the library so I could grab a new text book.
I went off looking for the text book while Josh trailed behind me with his head buried in his novel. After a while I eventually found the edition I needed for the assignment, I let out a sigh as I turned to Josh and then saw Eddie walking directly towards us, and what I assume was a letting in his right hand.
"Oh god no" I mumbled, Josh looked up from his novel confused.
"What's wrong?" He questioned, all I did was watch as Eddie kept coming closer and closer. Josh turned to see what I was looking at.
"Stay here, I'll deal with him" Josh uttered before he attempted to walk off. I, in that split second thought of a way to hit two birds with one stone, and in an instant of misguided impulse I grabbed Josh by his sleeve and pulled him towards me. Our lips meeting in one swift move.

Don't kill me for leaving on a cliffhanger.
Okay, new chapter. This took ages because my internet decided to stop working, but I hope you guys are enjoying.

- TiesAndBones

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