Chapter Two

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"Where the hell did that thing go, you little fucker!"

"I don't know."

I hadn't knew what Hats had up his sleeves but whatever it was I hope he does it fast.

All of a sudden a women's voice said "What the fuck!" from Ares direction. I was dropped instantly. I know this was my only chance to use my Geno. Yes for your information I have one of those. I just don't and can't always use it.

I felt my hand heat up. My nerves tingle as the warmth ran up my arm and down my fingers. Slowly the fire erupt from left arm. I hit the closest person to me, Tank.

He went down holding, a now steaming calf, while saying all the cuss words under the sun. Now knowing that it might have been a bad idea, I got my butt off the ground.

In that moment, my ankle was grabbed. I knew who had attached themselves to me. I knew it wasn't Tank. He had pulled down one of his friends seconds after falling himself.

"Little shit, it's not nice to play around with us. Its enough at the terminal, but sending the shifter on us and now this."

The guy's hand started to glow a vibrant green. The pain hit quick, the feeling of my ankle melting away straight from the bone. Many things happened at once, I swing my arm towards the dudes face just as a blur of fur come out of nowhere and hit me down.

I hit the ground hard, the pain stayed. My vision was blurred for the next few minutes. This was caused by two factors, the inflicting pain and the energy that was being drained by my Geno.

The rest being blurred, but seeing two weredogs and a shadow cat in your face is the greatest thing you want to see.

"Please get out my face before I punch all of you." All of them knew I wouldn't do it so none of them moved an inch.

"You have barely any energy and moving is the least of your problems. By the amount of power that person used on your ankle you probably can't stand up for awhile. We have to get you back to the house before it gets worse, for if what I sensed is correct your ankle will burn through in less than an hour." Sans explained.

"And how do you plan to get my non-movable ass back to the house before this hour." And that's when the looks my friends had and the look Hats had told two different stories. "No."

"Welcome to the Shadow Realm. The best place in well everywhere." Now you have to understand why I always said no to going to the Shadow Realm. First, you it's just a black landscape. Black outline what an object was, where it was supposed to be, and if it was moving or not.

If you have color good for you, at least you were able to be actually seen.

Second, you just float everywhere. It's like swimming but just without the water and drowning. Thought you can die of the weird black air here.

Last, it was full of Shadow Demon. These ones aren't like Hats though not all of them are. I just never liked this realm much under any reason.

Being carried while floating is very weird. To say it feels more like it being sea sick to me. "Dude is this necessary. We are floating in mid air. How does holding him and floating do anything?" Ares said. I think I'm going to vomit. I held back the urge to do so.

"He can't stand with his own willpower, he'll just fall right through the realm and probably die before hitting back in this realm." Hats reiterated.

"Still don't understand your shadow logic"

"And we shadows, don't always get your weird Geno things."

What happens when three humans with Genos and a shadow demon stop at a grocery store? You come out with Avocados and a crowd behind you. Just don't buy the Avocados, unless you're a shadow.

I should be more worried about a crowd of demons behind me. Yeah I guess I should.

Note; the crowd started as we entered in the store and grow as we continued down the street. I'm not very fond of crowds especially when you can't run from it. The crowd keep get bigger and bigger which wasn't good. That's when we noticed the crowd wasn't only behind us but also surrounding us.

"Why does it seem like a black Dust Bowl is coming our way." Sans studered.

"This is quite the mishap, I would say." Hats look surprised as well.

"How do we plan on stopping them?" I asked.

"No way we can Sir."

"Great. What do we do instead genius?"

"Nothing. Our hands has been put in the light for to long."

I knew the risk of doing it. How stupid could I be to do it. Pretty stupid was the answer, and that was what I was about to be. I release the hold of my friends floating in the air for just a second, than falling right into the darkness below.

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