Bottom Line

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"Bella I know something happened...just please talk to me. Was it that guy?" I sat on the examining table with my eyes swollen from my tears and holding my gown together while looking straight ahead.

After Michael finally left I stayed in bed for the rest of the day. By the next day I finally got up to use the bathroom and realized I was bleeding.

I called the only person I knew wouldn't kill Michael and that was Rachel. Without telling her much, she helped me pack a few things and I we left. It was only after I didn't stop bleeding that I really worried and Rachel took me to Mercy hospital.

Rachel was kneeling in front of me with her hands on my knees and she had tears in her eyes.

I knew I looked a mess. My cheek was swollen and I felt like a train ran through me. All I could keep thinking in my head was that wasn't Michael...that wasn't Michael...that wasn't Michael.

"Bella-" Rachel tried again, but I shook my head and finally locked eyes with her.

"I want to leave." I whispered while she sighed and nodded her head.

"What about the police? They still want to know if you will file a rape report-" I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead; feeling another headache coming.

"I wasn't raped." I whispered; my voice to hoarse to talk any louder. Rachel looked as though she wanted to say something, but took another look at me and held it. I licked my lips and looked down. 

"Okay Bella...I'll find someone who can check you out okay?" Rachel stood up and I nodded my head while looking down and picking at my nails until a, older woman about 5'2 walked in with a chart.

"Alright Ms. do not want to talk to the police correct?" She asked and I simply nodded my head. I heard the nurse sigh before running down everything.

"Well the bleeding...even though it is bad, it has stopped. We have checked you out and even though you say you weren't raped, we did get a blood sample from you to test you for everything. We also asked would you like the morning after pill because you said a condom wasn't used; you denied that which we understand. You have no broken bones in your face, just will be swollen and bruised for maybe a week? Also you will experience some burning. You were torn, but not bad enough you need stitches; that will heal on it's on down there..." She kept going and the more she talked the more I felt Rachel's eyes on me and when the nurse said something else I heard Rachel gasp and look at me.

"Here are a few prescriptions for you the doctor has prescribed...some pain meds that will not be harmful to you...just makes things a bit easier as you heal. Take these along with your other vitamins and you should be fine within a week or so." I took the two pieces of paper out of the woman's hands and nodded my head.

"Thank you." I told her lowly and watched her look over at Rachel before walking out. I saw the nurse stop and talk to the two officers that were called and they both looked at me before one shook his head and they left.

"Bella-" I held my hand up and shook my head.

"Help me get dressed so we can go." I looked up at Rachel and just now realized her face was wet from tears. I quickly looked away and sighed.

"Bella where are you? Michael is going crazy! He said he went by your place and saw dried up blood on the bed and has been freaking out every since!" I sat on Rachel's couch and face-timed my cousin while Rachel was at work. I had my hand on my sore cheek and was looking at my cousin looking very worried about me.

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