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Another day of mundanity
The rhythm of disinterest
With people who do not care

"I don't understand"
Is something often said
Yet no one helps explain

Expectations unknown
Bored faces
And glazed eyes

Teachers explain In ways
that they alone understand
Do not stop for students

"We value individuality!"
"We care about you!"
"Everyone learns differently!"

They say these things
Yet that do not seem to know
What they mean at all

Do what your peers do
You are only a grade
You must learn their way

"How will this help us?"
Is asked so many times
Yet I have never heard a valid answer

"When will I use this?"
I ask myself every day
But I can never find a use

They say school is preparation
For real life/the real world
But I feel like they're lying

It makes me feel sick
From stress and tests
And homework

When will I get an escape
From headaches
And wanting to leave

This clearly is not helping
Very many of the students
Who all sit unfocused

Six heads on the table
Ten phones out
Twenty-nine bored faces

Why is school a place
For mental breakdowns
And mindless misery

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