Chapter 2

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Finally, lunch came around and I was dying to be alone from everyone. I wasn't a social person, I guess. Slowly, I sat down leaning my back against the tree stump. I quickly pulled the book out of my bag and started to read it. No one ever came here because it wasn't technically 'in school'. We basically weren't allowed here because it's not in school grounds.

Suddenly, I heard movement.

Looking up, I saw two figures coming my way. Not making out who it was, I stood up slowly and slung by black leather satchel over my shoulder before starting to walk away. Just then, one of the two people shouted out to me in a all to familiar tone.


"Hey, Lu, Wait up" He waved at me before jogging up to my side. Wait. Did he just call me Lu?? I hated being called that by people I didn't know. I'd met him under four hours ago and he had the cheek to call me by a nickname?

Once he was by my side, he grinned cheekly whilst the other figure got to me. I'd seen him around school before and had talked to him occasionaly. Miles Kane. He smilled at me when I met his gaze before Alex started chattering away again.

"Thought we might, uh join yous" His accent which I now regognised as from Sheffield, rolled off his tongue making his sentances flow like water. Because I was in an argumentative mode, I usually am, I gave him a some what shitty responce.

"Who said you could" My tone was plain and had no emtion in it. Just then I realised. I needed something. Flicking open my bag, I grabbed my lighter and a cigarrete, instantley putting it into my mouth. All of a sudden, my last cigarrette which was just in my mouth fell to the ground. Well shit.

"Eh, 'ere you go" Miles spoke for the first time of being here. In his large hands was a single cigarette which I cautiously grabbed. "Don't worry, I ain't done anythin' to it" He laughed immaturley and then Alex joined in with him. Ugh.

"They'll kill you, you know Lu" He said in his husky voice. God, was I starting to like it? No, I mustn't.

Breathing out the smoke, I blew it in Alex's face to try and iritate him, but as always he only came up with a cocky comment.

"You look like a fiery dragon when you do that, Luanna." He winked at me making me blush, I looked at the ground feeling the intense moment. Miles fake coughed obviously reminding Alex to say something.

"Oh yeh, Ok. Luanna, Lu. So I heard that there is this house party this weekend and me and Miles wanted you to come with us." Alex spat out rather bluntly. I coughed on the remains of what I was smoking, making it fall to the ground. They looked confussed so I replied.

"Uhh. I don't do that sort of stuff. Not really my thing to be honest." My voice was thick which must be the effects of smoking.

"Oh come on, Lu...I'd be fun." He played with his words making fun of me. Suddenly, he swatted my bum with his hand making me yelp. Anger came over me in an instant but before I could do anything, someone was running over towards us. No, not someone. It was a teacher on duty. Fuck. There was no point running now, she'd seen who we were.

"Who do you think you are? Going off my school grounds like you own it? And Alex, a new student? I am extremeley disapointed in you." Mrs Kyle shouted as she leant on the back of her desk. Too many times now had I been in her office. Obviously, for different, various reassons. I looked round at Alex and Miles. Alex had one of his eyebrows raised whilst Miles didn't show any emotion what so ever. Then her voice returned. "If I catch any of you out of my school grounds again, you will know about this. So will your parents because you will not be at this school for a while." And with that she sent us out into the corridor. I had just turned 17. Yeh, I could look after myself.

I started to walk away as the bell went but then a warm hand grabbed my wrist sending tingles up my arm. Spinning around, I saw that it was Alex. "Come onnn, come to the place with us?" He had puppy dog eyes which had me hypnotised and I could not look away. His voice was a moan, making him sound rather seductive.

"Fine! If it makes you so fucking happy then yes, I will fucking go." I shouted in his face before storming out of school. He caught me up just as quick and threw his arm around my shoulder.

"Thanks, Lu" He said and then sauntered off into the streets, leather jacket collar popped and aviators on. Just then, I realised pretty much everyone was watching me. Dirty looks as all the girls walked past me. Oh right, just because they hadn't yet got attention from Alex Turner. Pretty sure they would at this house party I was going to. Wait. I didn't even know where it was. Clever Luanna.

Before Alex went out of sight, I ran towards him faster than I'd ever moved before. "Heyy, A-ALex" I heavily breathed out whilst trying to shout. He turned around but I could not see his facial expression as he had his shades on. Quicly, I got to his side before trying to get my breath back. I had not realised that my skirt had rissen up so high before I caught Alex looking past my waist at my thighs, once again. Clicking my fingers, I got his attention.

"I, uh dunno where this place is. For the party" I gasped. Yeh, I was pretty unfit. You wouldn't think so. I have had anorexia in the past and still, look like I have it but I don't. Not anymore. Mom's always worrying about my weight.

"Luaannaa?" His voice snapped me out of my daydream before I caught his concered expression making me giggle.

"I said give me your number and I will text you it later when I get home."

"Uh yeh, Ok.." I said quietly before handing him my phone catiously. I was slightly concerend becasue I had vintage stickers on the back of the iphone I had. Mainly consisted of my favourite bands etc. But he smilled when he saw them. Wait. An actual genuine smile???

"See yous later, Lu" He placed my phone back into my tiny hand, slightly brushing his hand against mine. Once again, tingles shot up through my arm at his warm touch. I wonder what it would be like to hold his hand? Shit, no. Don't think about this please Luanna. "Oh and good music taste" He winked at me and turned on his heels.

I was left stood there whilst Alex swaggered off down the pathway.

I can't start to have feelings for him? I've met him one day and already, he's ran me into trouble and I've seen his cocky side and bad boy reputation. I thought to myself as I placed my earphones into place. But that's what started drawing me to him . The thrill of the chase. Plus, Miles seemed ok...I guess.

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