Chapter 39: Still Friends?

Start from the beginning

"And you're the best friend that is I'm lucky to have." It was my turn to fill with happiness. 

"You're right about that." As we move up the line, I nod in gratitude towards the workers "You got your food?"

She nods as we return back to the table. I place my food in front of the new empty spot which originally was Jimin's. They seem to notice my presense but I usher them to continue their brawl of fun. 

As I was about to take my seat, I am pushed causing me to unexpectedly fall to the ground. My table freezes as they glare at the perpetrator. 

"Tiffany that was not cool." Ally speaks in a menacing tone. 

"What? Oh, that was an accident. I was looking at my phone." I stand up and brush off the dust "Sorry. Did I hurt you?"

Her friends laugh in amused by her oblivious attitude. 

"It wasn't cool Tiffany." Taehyung pulls me gently towards him as he walks towards Tiffany "You're playing the wrong tactics here." 

"Am I? But it was just an accident, you can't possibly - " This time Jimin stands and the air becomes thick with tension. 

"Tiffany. Please leave peacefully, we don't need to start any rash incidents." She scoffs as he her heals echo in the room. 

"Are you all right? That was intentionally done." Jin asks concerned. 

I reassure them as I take my seat. Taehyung sits beside me and pulls me into his chest. 

"She shouldn't have done that." I nod as I pat his shoulder lightly grabbing my chopsticks. 

"I know. I know. Jimin is right, we can't cause any fights." The table goes quiet but Suga breaks the silence. 

"Tiffany is plotting something. She likes to cause trouble, be aware of what she does so that we can report her." The group nods in unison. 

"We will protect you Lily. Everyone here will support you, all these people here are victims of her, we just need to bring them to our side." J-Hope describes with determination. 

" sounds like you're rallying up for this huge fight or something." Everyone stares at me with indifference "'re all serious?"

They all nod. 

"She has been like this for years, people suffered because of her." Ally explains as many heads nod in unison. 

"She's right there. It's time we take a stand, we have more than enough proof." Rap Monster intervenes with a devoted stance "And you'll be with a guard all the way, good thing most of us have at least one class with you." 

"Yay! More time with Lily!" Taehyung expresss with excitement causing his friends to laugh. 

"Lily...Tiffany's father owns the school. He has let her off the hook too many times. She is a bully and you know that." I understand the situation now. 

"Okay. But how will this act of rebellion work?" J-Hope smiles deviously. 

"I have the perfect plan, I'll need everyone at my house." I furrow my eyesbrows in confusion. 

"You don't want to know what goes through his head." Jimin whispers to me.

"I'll keep that noted." The bell rings and the last few classes begin. 

By the end of the day, everyone headed towards J-Hope's house. We were greeted by his parents, they welcomes all of us with open arms as J-Hope escorted us to our room. 

"Take a seat anywhere. My room is huge." I glanced at the room and he was right. 

The room was incredibly spacious, and was double the size of my room. But not that a mansion would come with small rooms, this was instigated by the structure of the house. The interior design was modern and filled with musical portraits and bookshelves. 

I was in music class with Jimin and despite the fact that I was partially being attentive, I recall back to the memory of my classmates.

20 Girlfriends? 1 month? He dated the President?

I feel a tap on my shoulder and see Jimin concerned with me. 

"Don't let her get to your head. We'll deal with her." I shake my head earning Jimin more confusion "What's on your head?"

"Someone in class told me Taehyung had 20 girlfriends or something?" I notice Jimin freezes. 

"D-Do you believe it?" I appear blank minded. 

"W-Was just a rumour, wasn't it?" I nod and he breathes a odd sigh of relief. 

"What aren't you telling me? He had 20 girlfriends before?" Jimin avoids my eyes and takes a deep breathe. 

"Well...maybe not to that extent. But that number does explain all of his behaviour before he met you..." He trails on lightly and I grow suspicious. 

"Then the 1 month part is true too?" I peer closer to Jimin and I see him stand up abruptly. 

"I need to pee badly. May I go?" He sprints out of the room as I earn curious glances from the others. 

"What isn't he telling me? Why isn't he being straight with me?" I talk to myself quietly as the class resumes. 

Jimin did come back but after he pulled his stunt, he was avoiding me. I thought we made up, does he not trust me?

Class ends and I'd taken enough of his behaviour, before he can apologise and attempt to make up for this, I decided that before I would talk to him that day, I would find out the truth. And there was only one person that would. Suga. 

I grab my books, placing them in the bag and try to find Suga's locker. I see J-Hope and Rap Monsters with Suga, making my smile more vindictive and determined to know. 

"J-Hope. Something happened with Jimin, can you do me a favour and talk to him?" They become concerned and he nods. 

"I'll go too. He is propably still heartbroken." The two of them leave and I grab Suga gently by the wrist. 

Suga freezes and then stares into my eyes intensely as he usually does. 

"What do you need?" I take a deep breath.

"I need some explanation of the rumours involving Taehyung's dating life." Suga's expression remains blank as he nods. 

"You found out, eh?" I nod "Alright, meet me at the Cafe in the town at 4pm." 

I grimace brightly feeling relieved. 

"I'll help you straighten out your curiousity, but its something that you should have heard before. But since you were new here...I can see how it stayed hidden." He closes the locker and softens his eyes "Taehyung is a good person against all his odds. I only hope you can see that side more than what he's done." 

I nod in understanding and feel myself empathising with Taehyung based on what I had seen. 

"See you then." Suga waves as he heads towards the exit. 

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