Chapter 33

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I was in tears and brad was on the verge of tears, I warped my arms around brad and held him tight, he did the same thing

"I love you so much Jennifer, and I just want to say that I'm sorry for the way that I treated you in the past, I was a jerk, I know it's a lame excuse but I was, I really was, and I don't expect you to ever forgive me, but I promise everything will be different this time, I won't be a jerk, I won't ignore you and I definitely will not take you for granted"

I stopped hugging brad and looked at him, I was balling my eyes out. He was crying too but not as much as me

"Honeyyy, please don't cry, your gonna make me cry" I said

"Baby your already are crying" brad said giggling 

"I know but your gonna make me cry a lot more"

I was staring at the floor, he was staring at me smiling, I looked up at him, our eyes meet, I smiled, he stared, I blushed, he leaned in, I did too, we kissed. I used to kiss Brad all the time obviously but this time it was different, more special. The kiss was long and had a lot of meaning, we both pulled away to catch our breath

"I've missed you" brad said looking and smiling at me

"I've missed you too" I also said smiling

"Honey it's almost 7:15, do you wanna get going" brad said

I thought about it and said "no" I could see his face he was confused

"No, y no, you do know you need to eat Jen" he said giggling to himself

"No I feel a little sick, I'm sorry but can we stay home"

"Of course honey" he said holding my hand

"Thank you"

"Anything for you"

"I'm gonna go upstairs and get changed into some trakies and a jumper" getting up and walking over to the stairs "you can go home if you want and get changed or you can wear some of my clothes" I said going upstairs smiling

I was upstairs in my room getting changed and I heard brad say he was gonna go home and get changed quickly and I said ok. I finished getting dressed and taking off my makeup, I was downstairs on the couch, I heard a knock at the door so I got up and opened the door it was brad. He was wearing grey trakies and a white baggy jumper.

"How r u feeling" he said, I shut the door and locked it, we moved over to the couch and sat down, I had my head on his chest and his arms around me


"Good, do u need anything?"

I looked up and him with a massive smile on my face and said "no, I have everything I need right here"

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