Chapter 14

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Angie : what am I doing here, what r u doing here Brad and where is Jennifer

Brad : she is upstairs sleeping

Angie : ok so what r u doing here

Brad : y do u have to know

Angie : bc brad I'm ur wife...

Brad : um excuse me no ur not and it's 11:30 u should be at home

Angie : ok whatever I was here bc I wanted to check if Jen knew where u were that lying bitch

Brad : hey don't call her that she is not a lying bitch

Jen : hey what's going

Jen came closer to the door she was woken up by the rain and all the yelling and screaming. When she got to the door brad wrapped his arm around her waist with a very tight grip

She could see the look on Angie's face she was furious Jen couldn't help but smile and giggle a bit

Jen : what's going on here

Brad : oh nothing Angie just came by to actually I don't even know y

Angie : I came by to make sure u didn't know where Brad was but now I have my answer

Jen : and what is that

Angie : that ur a lying bitch ok well better be off ta ta

Jen : heyy

Brad : hey Angelina get ur ass back here

Angelina rolls her eyes

Angie : what

Brad : Jennifer is not a lying bitch

Angie : well I can see that she doesn't know where Brad is does she oh um have u seen him then

Jen : haha very funny listen I didn't know where he was ok but about 5 mins after we ended the call Brad showed up

Angie : oh well y did u come here

Brad : bc I didn't want to be anywhere else but with Jennifer

Brad looked deep into Jens eyes which made Jen and brad both smile

Angie : omg

Brad : what

Angie : omg omg I have to go

Angie runs off to her car and starts crying brad is trying to stop her and make her come out but she doesn't seem to be watching or listening

Jen : wow

Brad : Ik

Jen and brad shut the door and go sit on the couch

Jen : what was that all about

Brad : tbh I have no clue

Jen : ok ahah

Brad : haha

Brad : um Jen I think I'm gonna take off

Jen : oh um ok

Brad and Jen walk over to the door and open it

Brad : yeah thank you for today

Jen : no no that's ok

Brad : ok bye Jen

Jen : bye brad

Brad leaves and Jen shuts the door and goes upstairs to bed

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