Chapter 30

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Jen walked into her room got a towel and hopped in the shower, she got out and dried herself off then wrapped a towel around her and started to dry her hair then she straightened it. She walked out of her bathroom and went over to her dresser and did her make up

Then she went into her wardrobe pick out a white tight dress that was just above her knees and some tan stilettos, she was ready by 6:00 and so she called brad

Brad : hey baby

Jen : hi honey, um I'm ready

Brad : alright just give me 10 minutes and I'll be there

Jen : for u

Brad : hahaha, ur so funny

Jen : Ik, alright I'll see u soon honey

Brad : alright bye baby

Jen : bye

Jen hung up the phone and went downstairs, she had nothing to do so she thought to watch some tv to kill some time, she sat down on the couch and turned and tv on

She had lost track of time it was already 6:15, where's brad? She thought to herself

Jen : he said he was gonna be here 5 minutes ago

Jen picked up her phone and called brad he answered but it's wasn't brad

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