Chapter Two: Desperate Fools

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Ren ventures to trying to relax his stiff body and strained head, leaning himself further into the cushions of his mattress and attempting to bury his attentions in the words of a novel. His thoughts would repeat the text in the book, but soon forget them as his mind would constantly flee to the girl again, over and over. Taking a long and deep breath, he begins to calm himself as overwhelming emotions flood him, only for his attention to break as he cranes his neck to the side at the sound of his room mate near him.

''NO!'' An irritated groan was abruptly heard, striking the silence into an uneasy atmosphere as the black haired male cautiously observed Jin from a few feet away. The green eyed boy was tensely standing with rigid shoulders and a twisted face that showed pure rage and lunacy. Ren stared, muted for a few momentary seconds before finding his voice to ask the obvious. ''Jin? What are you doing?'' Jin glared at Ren for a passing moment before suddenly bringing down his arms to knock off the items on the desk next to his bed. Items fell and collided with the floor thunderously. ''This is so...This is so idiotic!'' Jin turns to look at Ren's deadpan face, as Ren briefly puts down a book that he holds in his hands. Glancing from the book in his hands, then back onto the grunting boy that suddenly and recklessly fell into his bed and began tearing the blankets away to the floor with nonsensical screams that followed after his mouth, Ren put his full attention on the frenzied boy as he slowly shut the book and placed it down. ''I want (Y/n)! I want her now! I need her! It's been two years! Two.....Entire...F***king...Years!'' Jin cruelly punches the mattress of his bed relentlessly as he fulminates, screaming into nothing but tired air and screaming for nothing but his troubled and disturbed mind. Ren watched the mess continue to unravel and only get worse, wordless as his own conscious thought the same thing. ''I know, Jin. It isn't fair.'' Ren mumbled, vaguely catching the ears of Jin. Jin looked back at Ren with a distraught broken glare, his eyes shielded in streams of tears that stained his face and made him look helpless. Ren continued, as he saw that Jin had halted his actions and was at a standstill of watching the raven haired friend who hesitantly spoke. ''It's been insufferable to bear. These past years....Not having her....Never seeing her...Not knowing what she was doing, not knowing who she was with...She was going to live her future without me- us..'' Ren hesitantly stammered as he tried to cover for himself. He looked at Jin's annoyed expression, but Ren only took a deep breath that quivers through the air, his fists beginning to clench into themselves as his eyebrows cross. ''We were all worried. And what that worry did to us broke us down even more... We're all...crazy....And....And what we want to do to (Y/n), are things she wouldn't like...You do realize that, the things we want to do to her are absolutely n-..nuts-"

''What?'' Jin breathed out, voice cracking, looking muddled and distressed as his only focus of thought continued being (Y/n) and just her. "I don't care. I d-don't care.." He would desperately cling onto the precious images in his head of her and her smile that he always held onto. He'd happily imagine fantasies as even his dreams allowed him the pleasure of hopelessly seeing the female and holding the girl in a fairy-tale like scenario. But all those were the only lying , fake things that kept his mind as kept as it could be. these last resorts and only resorts is what kept him from rampaging the streets and stabbing anyone who hasn't seen the girl, what stopped him from looking drastically all over for the female until he would eventually die from his carelessness. He only had lying images stirred up from his unsatisfied and displeasured conscious, and the aching hope that tugged at him everyday, was that someday he would be able see his one and only true sweetheart. Touch the living thing, keep her all to himself and throw all the piled up stress away and finally be happy. That day was supposed to be today, and he still had to continue restraining himself. He couldn't handle it.

''I want to see her. Now. I want to hold her. Now. I want her to be mine. N o w.'' Jin steadily vocalized as he harshly spoke each word. He got up from his bed, uncaring for the processing reaction from Ren who watched in a surprised phase. Ren gaped in confused shock as his mind was flooded in irritation at his friends stupid actions. Jin reached out to tug the door open and hysterically wonder throughout the campus to find his only love until he only paused for a quick second to hear Ren groan out, ''Jin stop that! You cannot see her now!''

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