Chapter 12- The Bad Move Part 2

Start from the beginning

After a few moments he came into the kitchen just as she had thought.

“What happened?” he asked wearing a look of worry on his face.

“You’re too late. One of your basketball buddies was… you know…. getting all touchy.” She said finding the right words. She pretended to be angry and hurt.

“Who was it?” He asked with an angry look on his face.

She bit her lip and said the first name that came to her mind. “Aaron.” She murmured looking down. Poor Aaron was getting dragged into this for no reason.

“Oh he is so dead.” He turned around and she thought he was going to find Aaron right now. So she stopped him and said that she could handle it.

 He didn’t look convinced but he sighed and gave up. “Are you okay?” he said placing his hand on her shoulder. He sounded so concerned she was starting to feel guilty again.

“Yeah. I’m good. Let’s not ruin the mood.” She said around and turned around to get two drinks.

She offered him one and he took it without refusing. She knew he would be thirsty from dancing. She sat on the empty space on the counter and shifted a little to make room for him.  He followed her actions and sat next to her.

This was it. All she had to do was offer him a nacho. She casually picked a nacho without covering it in the spicy sauce she had made and took a bite.

“Mmm…These are really good.” She said while chewing. She swallowed and turned to get another one covered with sauce for him.

“Here, try it.” She told him handing out the snack. He took it unsuspicious to her intentions. She waited as he slowly put it in his mouth and chewed. Any minute now he would be screaming for water.

He stopped chewing abruptly and jumped on the floor. The panic on his features indicated he had tasted the chili. His expressions were so horrified that she couldn’t control her laughter anymore. She jumped from the counter and burst out into fits of laughter.

He grabbed the nearest liquid and gulped it all at once. But she could see from narrow slits of her eyes that it didn’t do any good. He was panting for air and sweat was covering his face. She enjoyed every minute of his misery.

“That’s what you get for your stupid prank, Miller.” she managed to say in between her sniggers. 

Both of them had gotten people’s attention. They were giving her strange looks. She rested her hands on her knees as she tried to control her laughing.

He was looking at her like she was an insect he wanted to crush right now.

“You… this… on… purpose.” He said exhaling deeply after each word. His eyes were filled with water and he had bent down on his knees and started coughing.

She stopped laughing once she heard his exasperated voice. She quickly went over to him wondering what was wrong with him.

“Are you okay? It was just a joke.” She said placing a hand on his shoulder and bent down to his level. He was still coughing loudly. Now everyone in the kitchen was gathered around him.

She got up and quickly grabbed a bottle of cold water from the fridge and handed it to him. He refused to take it and she was starting to get really worried. His face was turning redder with each passing minute.

“Call… Ryan.” He said coughing after every word.

She couldn’t believe that she had gone from laughing to running like a maniac to find one of his friends. She was freaking out because of Cameron’s condition. She was even more frightened since she knew all this was happening because of her.

She got hold of both Luke and Ryan and pulled them towards the kitchen. She didn’t answer any of their questions. Other people, including her friends were behind them too. She brought them to the kitchen and saw their expressions change within a few seconds. She was scared by the look on both of their faces as they saw him struggling.

“Oh fuck! Who gave him chili?” Ryan asked to no one in particular and ran to help his best friend. Luke did the same.

“What? Why?” she found herself asking. They were both kneeling down to look at him.

“He has spice allergy.” Luke stated.

 And it felt like the ground had slipped away from Ally’s feet.


A/N: See that’s why I called this chapter ‘The Bad Move’. I have researched about this and yes some people do have spice allergy. It’s weird I know. But I can’t do anything about it, people have all sorts of weird things. I told y’all that you might have played this prank on someone before. So let me know what was it like? And also what do you think of the characters? Ally may seem like a little heartless now but it will get better I promise. And Cam is a sweetheart. Of course, everybody knows that.

This is the last update till 20th August because I have exams and I would like to thank you all for reading my story. Especially to those who are regular readers. Please until then show me your love and please vote and comment don’t be silent readers. I would love to hear from every one of you. Thanks!

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