chapter 2

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Three days later, Lisa left for Japan. Her father said it was the city of Domino. She knew someone from there, a high school student named Seto Kaiba. He created a hologram system that changed duel monsters for the better. Seto liked Lisa but Lisa didn't like Seto. When she landed in Japan, she had some jet lag. She was very tired. Riku went with her to Japan and he took her to her new house.

It was a huge mansion. She had 4 maids, 2 cooks, 3 butlers, and Riku as her only limo driver. She didn't exactly like the rich lifestyle. She wished she could be a normal kid. Sure there would be times where bing rich paid off, but for her it was different. She knew that hard work and determination really got you places. She never like things just handed to her. So before she left for Japan she made a deal with her father. She said if her studies were getting to bad in Japan than he would make her come back to America. She wanted to earn being there.

A few days after she arrived in Japan she decided to take a look around town. She found a fast food restaurant that was called "Burger World." so she went in. "hello, just one?" a girl with short brown hair asked. "Um, yes" Lisa said. The girl sat her down. "I have to say, you look rather young to work here" lisa said. "I um, I am 18" she said. "No, you're not, don't worry I won't tell." Lisa said. "Thanks" the girl said. "Oh I'm Téa gardener" she said. "I'm Lisa Pegasus, I just moved here from America" Lisa said. "Pegasus hu, I've heard that name somewhere" Téa said. Just then two boys came in. "oh one sec" Téa said. Then when Téa saw who they were she freaked a bit.

They sat down close to Lisa. Téa looked really mad. She squirted so much ketchup it hit both boys in the face. "Sorry Téa, we didn't know you work here" one boy said. His hair was spiked with mainly black, blonde bangs, and red tips and his eyes were violet. Téa admitted she wanted to study dance in New York. the other boy was proud of her. He had dirty blonde hair with brown eyes. "Oh, Yugi, Joey, meet Lisa Pegasus. She just moved here" Téa said. "Lisa Pegasus? Maximillion Pegasus' daughter?" Yugi asked. "Yes, actually" Lisa said shyly. "Wow" Joey said. Lisa noticed how much Yugi looked like the picture Yama drew. "You know guys, it's hard to believe we start high school this year" Téa said. "Wait you are all freshman?" Lisa asked, "Yes, what about you Lisa" Yugi asked. "I'm a freshman too" she said.

"Would you like to be our friend" Yugi said. "Really?" Lisa asked shocked. "I'm sure you miss your friends back home so having new friends should help" Téa said. Lisa looked down. "Actually in America, I never had friends." Lisa explained sadly. Téa was shocked. "Why not" Joey asked. Lisa didn't want to tell them because she was afraid that they wouldn't believe her. So she just said "it's a long story" Téa left to get back to work. Yugi and Joey asked Lisa if they could show her around town. She agreed.

When Yugi got up, Lisa noticed his necklace. It was the same one in the picture Yama drew. "Could that be him?" Lisa thought. "No my husband was a bit taller and this boy looks shy" Yama said. "I mean could this be the vessel your husband is using" Lisa asked her. "Maybe" Yama said.

Though the summer Lisa, Yugi, Joey and Téa started hanging out. They introduced Lisa to another boy named Tristan. He had brown hair that looked like he put a lot of work into it. One day Lisa got a phone call from Yugi. "Hello" Lisa said. "Hey Lisa, just wanted to see if you wanted to go school shopping with me and my grandpa tomorrow" Yugi said. "That sounds fun." Lisa said. "What time should I pick you up?" Lisa asked. "Pick me up?" Yugi asked. "I have a limo" Lisa said. "Oh, we we're thinking about 3:00 or 4:00." Yugi said. "Sounds good to me" Lisa said.

The next day Lisa hopped in her limo at 2:45 and went to where Yugi lives. Yugi gave her the address. When she pulled up, Yugi and an older man was waiting. She saw that they were in front of a game shop. "Hey Yugi" Lisa said. "Hey Lisa, Lisa this is my grandfather Solomon Muto." Yugi said. "It's nice to meet you Lisa" Mr. Muto said. "It's nice to meet you too." Lisa said. "So you guys own a game shop" Lisa asked. "Yes" Mr. Muto said. As they drive to the store they started talking. "Yugi tells me that you are Maximilian Pegasus' daughter" Mr. Muto said. "Yep" Lisa said. "Yeah, my grandpa has a lot of the rare cards. We will have to show you sometime" Yugi explained.

At the store they read off the list of supplies they needed for the year. Lisa didn't try to get the most expensive brands and it threw Yugi off. "I would think that you would want nothing but the best" Yugi said. Lisa chuckled. "Well, I don't like things just handed to me. I feel I need to earn my way to things. I never liked the spoiled rotton rich type" Lisa said. "Wow, that's rare in rich people" Yugi said. "I know." They finished shopping and Lisa offered to help pay for Yugi's. But they declined. "Wow, she's an awesome friend. I wonder if she dating someone" Yugi thought.

Two weeks before school started, Yugi invited Lisa over. She went over and got to see inside the game shop for the first time. "Do you play duel monsters" Yugi asked. "Well my father doesn't want me dueling but I secretly built a deck" Lisa expined. She pulled out her Andsite dragon card. "My father made me this card. It's a one of a kind and it can be used in turnements" Lisa said. Yugi looked at the card. "Wow, this is real cool." Yugi said. "Hey how about we duel" Yugi suggested. "Sure" Lisa said.

They drew 5 cards from their decks. "I'll start." Lisa said she drew a card. "I play dark magician girl in attack mode. Then I play the magic card, spell textbook, witch raises dark magician girl's attack points by 500. I play this card face down and end my turn" Lisa said. "My turn. I draw, I play dark magician in attack mode. Then I play this face down. That ends my turn" Yugi said. "My turn" Lisa said. She drew a card. "I play Andsite dragon in attack mode. Then I revel my face down card. Polymerization witch fuses dark magician girl and Andsite dragon to form dark magician girl dragon knight. With 4000 attack points, you are though" Lisa said. She won the duel.

"Wow, you won in two turns. Impressive" Yugi said. "Not very many people can beat me" Lisa laughed. "Well Andsite dragon alone has 3500 attack points." Lisa said. Yugi laughed. Then he looked down. "What's wrong Yugi" Lisa asked. "Hu? Oh it's nothing" Yugi said. Lisa went home confused.

That night she had what she thought was a dream about Yugi. It was at a dance and she and Yugi were dancing together. In the dream Yugi asked her to be his girlfriend and Lisa accepted. When Lisa woke up and realized that it was just a dream she was sad. She realized that she really liked him. She hoped her dream would come true.

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