"I just wanted my shirt back, give me my shirt," he demanded. I rolled my eyes and grabbed it from the arm of the sofa.

"Here," I snapped. I was just moody tonight. I was about to shut the door, but Xavier's arm came out to stop it from meeting it's frame.

"Where are you going?"

"Excuse me?" I replied.

"Where are you going?" He asked again. I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't actually know, some club somewhere or other,"

"Aren't you a little too young for that?"

"Maybe, but we can still get in," I replied. Xavier shifted on the spot. "And anyway, you're not that old yourself,"

"I know,"

"Good," I began to close the door again, but Xavier stopped me. I huffed in annoyance. "Xavier," I groaned.

"Don't you think you're a little too young to go dancing with men who are actually legal in that place?"

"Does it matter, dad?" I replied back with sarcasm dripping from my every word. Xavier's eyes angered slightly and I stepped back.

"You're jail bait, love," he whispered. "But if you're going to be like that, then fine, go ahead, but don't come rushing to me when things get turned upside down for you, because I can tell you now, little girl, they do," and he turned around and left, slamming his door behind him as the walls rattled.

I stood there staring at the door he just shut for a while, before finally turning around myself and making my way into my own room.

I shook my head in exasperation, but I had to smile really. He was the most confusing boy I ever knew, but that was just Xavier.

I grabbed my bag and decided to go to Katie's room instead, being alone here, waiting, was boring.

I knocked on her door as soon as I was there. Katie opened the door, grabbed my arm and flung me into the room quickly. I squeaked in shock.

"What the fu-"

"I don't know what to wear!" She flustered about in her room. Dresses were piled everywhere and the floor was a mess.

"Bloody hell, no need to rip my arm off," I scowled at her. She rolled her eyes before pulling me to her wardrobe.

"Pick something for me, please," it looked as if she was near to having a panic attack. She was such a drama queen, but it was funny. "Why are you laughing? choose something!" Her arms flung in the air and I laughed a little bit more.

"Take a breath, you have plenty of clothes," I stated as I walked up to her wardrobe. Just then, Mali came out of the bathroom and flung herself on to her bed.

"You try and console the girl, I'm not even getting involved," Mali held up her hands and I laughed. "Most people have real problems,"

"We could always kill her,"

"It'd be easier, that's for sure,"

"You know I can hear you," Katie replies as she lays her hands on to her hips. "Don't even answer with a witty comment, Mali, or I swear to God I will fly kick you in the face,"

"Okay, while you're bitch slapping, I'm going to try and find you an outfit before you keel over," Katie nodded in approval as she stood there sending glares over to Mali.

I went through the remaining clothes hung up in the wardrobe and tried to come up with an outfit suitable. It really didn't matter what she wore, so I picked up a dress and took it to her.

Xavier [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now