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{Daniel's POV}

I rolled out of bed and instantly onto the floor, groaning as loud as I could.

"Fuck you Luke, fuck you for waking me up!" I thought to myself. I was someone who loved their sleep.

I stood up slowly and took my phone from the bedside table, scrolling through my notifications and replying to a few of my messages and tweets. I quickly took a pair of dark grey joggers from the corner of my room and threw them on my body. For the first time in a long time, the house was silent. I figured the lads could've taken that girl out, I didn't even manage to see who she was, I was too tired to even function. I walked out of my room and peered around the hall, all doors being open aside from Luke's. Pay back time! I ran inside the room, bursting through the room, rugby tackling the first figure I saw.

"Payback you little cunt!" I shouted, gaining a high pitch scream in return, now I knew that mustn't have been Luke, he's prissy, but not that prissy!

"Who do you think you are?" The feminine voice asked.

I looked down to see a half-naked blonde teenage girl.

"So, umm you must be Savannah?"

"Get out! Fucking hell you pervert, get out!" She screamed, hitting me with the t-shirt that she hadn't yet put on her cracking body yet.

I did as she said and left the room quickly. I stood outside the room for a few minutes, attempting to hold in my laughter, but it really didn't work. The door opened to reveal the now fully clothed, incredibly angry girl.

"Damn, have you ever heard of privacy?" She asked, trying to push past me.

"I thought you were Luke!"

"So now you think I'm a man? Well this just gets better and better, outta my way, I'm going downstairs." She said, walking off with what looked like a limp.

"Shit, are you limping?" I asked, worried about what I had done, it would've been alright if it was Luke, but she's a girl!

"It's nothing, I can take a tackle! You must've just hit the part of my leg where I hurt previously, just leave it."

"Ok... You have a good pair of boobs by the way!" I said, winking at her when she scowled at me.

"I was wearing a bra, but that doesn't make you any less of a pervert than you already are." She said, both strutting and hobbling down the stairs.

I left the hall and went back into my room, walking through the other door and into the bathroom. I turned the shower on and waited for the hot water to come through. After stripping down, I stepped into the shower and began washing my hair and body. I stepped out of the shower after rinsing myself and wrapped a towel around the lower half of my body. Whilst attempting to dry myself, I heard the door open and then slam shut some time later, finally, some nice civilisation! I ran down the stairs with the towel still tucked around my body and ran through the house until I saw someone, not the person I wanted.

"Who came in?!" I asked eagerly.

"No one, it was me taking the trash out. Now go put some clothes on before I throw up my lunch!" She said before taking a bite out of some salad filled sandwich on wholemeal bread, a healthy girl, nice.

I did as she said and ran back up the stairs and went directly into my room. I quickly put on a pair of boxers, some grey jeans and one of the white dirty pig merchandise t-shirt's. I rubbed the towel against my hair to dry it a little and styled it quickly. I picked up my phone and dialled Jacob's number.

"Where are you and what time will you be back?" I asked down the phone.

"Me and James are still at the shops, Luke, Jai and Beau have gone playing tennis with Ronnie, don't know when they'll be back." Was his reply.

"Right, talk later bro." I said before hanging up the phone.

I put my phone into my back pocket and picked up the basketball that was on the window ledge. I walked down the stairs and greeted Savannah again.

"I'm gonna go outside and play a bit of basketball, are you up for a bit of 1 on 1?"

"I guess..." She replied. Well I sure wasn't expecting that! "I'm just gonna put my shoes on, am I alright in this?" She asked, pointing at her shorts and Rolling Stones vest top.

I nodded at her question, opened the front door and left the house. Savannah followed pretty quickly after me and got the hang of it surprisingly quickly.

"Woah you're good, quick learner?"

"Something like that..." She said sarcastically. "My dad's a sports coach, he taught me loads!" She added and laughed at what I initially thought.


It took over an hour and about 4 games but I finally won. She was so good, but I obviously wasn't about to admit that to her!

"You know what, you're not so bad after all!" She said, picking up the ball and tossing it to me.

"Thanks, I think? We should do this more often?"

"Yeah, maybe." She replied. What she basically meant was 'no but I don't want to sound rude'.

Just as things got a little awkward and silent, the gates opened and Jai, Luke, Beau and Ronnie walked through them and came down the drive.

"You're back! I've missed you so much, I've been so bored without you guys!" Savannah shouted, running over to the boys and leaving me to collect the ball that she had dropped when she ran over.

"Good game...." I muttered, picking up the ball and throwing it into the hoop then walking back into the house.

Just when I thought she was different...

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