Hades weakly smiled, "where is Blackjack anyway?"

"He's getting a checkup, my wife wouldn't let him until she knew he was healthy. I made him out of water, the pegasus is fine. Once he's clear he'll pop up somewhere."

Hades laughed.

They moved on and came to an entrance that seemed to be carved of the rock itself. Hades just grestred for Poseidon to continue and they walked into a beautiful cave. The waterfall seemed to come out of nowhere. The ceiling was high and it seemed to have different jewels embedded making it have a never-ending sparkle. The waterfall crashed into a huge lake causing never ended ripples.

"Is that salt water?"

"Yes, it's coming from the sea itself. I know that salt water would work better when he wants to relax and heal. Nice right?"

Poseidon smiled and nodded his head. "I can see that you carved it out every deep. That's good. How deep tho?"

"Only a few 100 feet. Not that deep. Do you like the way the color changes in the water? There are light crystals change color."

"This place is beautiful Hades, I know he'll love it."

They walked out of the cave and headed to the two large doors at the end of the hall. Many other rooms stole some of Poseidon's curiosity. He saw an arcade room, filled with so many types of machines. He saw a weapon station. Full to the ceiling with various tools. He saw some closets that held Percy's stuffed toys that they had divided up between the four kingdoms. Somehow it still managed to fill up a whole room. They were arranged against the wall and shelves held most of them.

The walked to the marble doors, carved with images of the crowns and symbols of power Percy held. Two WWII soldiers stood guard. Guns at the ready as they saluted the gods.

"As easy soldiers, this is the Sea god, Lord Poseidon and the young Prince," Hades said as he guesrated to each one. "You will be protecting him." The said baby still fast asleep.

They bowed their head and opened the doors for the gods. The room was enormous, to say the least. The floors were a matt black, with grey walls. On the right side of the room, there was a trophy case that held different crowns. Some were simple but elegant. The crowns only took one shelve but there were four more that were empty. In the middle of all the crowns, there's one that stood out. It looked to be made out of Stygian Iron, on the bottom the crown was covered with silk and pearls. It looked sort of femime with its high peaks embedded with gems of green and black. It looked like vines were climbing their way up but were coated in a black metal. It was simply marvelous. There was another crown that caught his eyes. It was simple, it looked like what the lieutenant of Artemis wears. It was worn on the forehead and the only reason he knew that was because they were all on dummy heads.

"Why the crowns, he has one already that ties in all the four kingdoms?"

"I know these are tied to all the kingdoms too, but with these he has more control over my domain, he can summon armies and any other thing he needs from the underworld without tiring himself out that much. And he might want to which out his crowns you don't know. I know we all have many different crowns, why not him."

"Mm, never really thought of that?"

The room it was was wondrous. Its high ceiling seemed never-ending and on the left side of the room, there was a climbing wall that was ever changing that went up to the ceiling and on it. Near the stairs on the right side of the room, the furinture was black leather. With a white rug that was accompanied by a white glass coffee table in the middle. Mounted on the wall was a huge plasma TV, there was a station where the latest models of consuls for video games.

The Prince Who Hid His CrownWhere stories live. Discover now