Part One

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Eighteen years later Cyra and the entire palace, including the whole government had been asleep for two years. The country of Vres had descended into chaos. With no government, the citizens of Vres ran rampant through the cities. The slumbering princess had taken a toll on the whole country. The town of Haos was hit the hardest by the chaos. Coincidentally, this was the town where Viktor Anson grew up. One year after Cyra pricked her finger on a spindle, his mother, his only family, was killed in a theft. Viktor had promised himself when he found his mother's dead body on the floor of his home he would find a way to wake the princess and the rest of the palace so that no one would have to suffer any longer. He was getting desperate. Viktor had gotten no closer to finding a way to wake the princess since then. Till a week ago.
A stranger had come up to him and told him about a supposed time machine hidden away in the palace. Viktor had thought it was just some drunk telling fantasies to anyone who would listen at first, but the more he thought about the more convinced he became. If he could travel to the future he could find out how Cyra would wake up, then he could come back and wake her up sooner. Now you may think, doesn't Cyra need to sleep for 100 years so that the disease can work its way out of her system. Well, the only people who knew about this were the scientists who came up with the cure.

So there he was walking through the silent palace. He looked at his map of the palace and took a left towards the science research wing. He had packed enough supplies to last him a week. Viktor walked down a long hallway till he reached a big chrome door at the end of it. When he neared the door it opened automatically. He let out a small gasp at what he saw inside. The large room had chrome walls and floors with lab tables and computers lining the walls. In the corner of the room was silver cylinder tube, with a glass window on the front, big enough to fit a human in it.

"Finally," exclaimed Viktor to the empty room. He walked over to the machine and pressed the power button and activated the machine without any thought of the consequences. The front half of the tube swung open and Viktor stepped in. The door swung closed, sending a chill down his spine. He turned around to look out into the lab. He could see his reflection in the glass. His light brown hair had grown out into a rats nest and his brown eyes looked tired, but excited. He had finally found a way to restore order in Vres. A screen appeared on the glass asking when he wanted to travel to. He typed the year 3556. Suddenly the capsule got 30 degrees cooler, then he blacked out.

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