Chapter 14: Cavalry Battle

Start from the beginning

[Todoroki: 205 pts. | Kaminari: 185 pts. | Yaoyorozu: 130 pts. | Y/N: 210 pts.] = 730 points

"Let's go!" Kaminari said as you three ran with Todoroki as the rider, Y/N and the team did was just run then steal the other's points stealthily without them knowing-- and of course, blocking and defense to avoid the other teams from stealing their points.

"Now then, even though barely two minutes have passed since we've started, it's already turned into a free-for-all!" Present Mic announced, "Fights over the headbands breaking out all over! Ignoring the ten million points and going for second to fourth isn't bad, either!

Bakugo then shoots himself above like a rocket with his explosions on his hands as Izuku and his team were using a jetpack to fly, "Don't get carried away, you bastards!" Y/N didn't even look up since she knows she'll get distracted again, she continuously ran as the other team was heading towards them.

"Tokoyami!" Izuku said as he tried to avoid Bakugo to capture his headband, Dark Shadow then blocks Bakugo's blast and quickly defends Izuku's team, "What the hell..!?"

The whole arena cheers while some were standing up, "Ohh..!? He's gotten separated from his horses! Is that okay?!" Present Mic asked while Katsuki was about to fall-- thankfully, Sero caught him with his tape Quirk.

"It's a techinicality, so it's okay! It wouldn't have been if he'd touched the ground, though!" Midnight answered, "As expected, everyone's after the first place team and Class A is in hot pursuit! Everyone's got skills!" Present Mic said, "Now, let's take a look at each team's points.. It's been seven minutes! Here are the current rankings up on the screen!"

"Huh? Wait a minute." Present Mic said as he looked at the screen, "Other than Midoriya, Class A isn't doing so well.. Bakugo? What?" He was confused that Bakugo has now zero points, Y/N looked over the screen above, "We still have our points, we're currently at the 5th place!" Kaminari glanced at Y/N then back at the screen, "Nice!"

"Class A is too simple minded." The same person from Class B earlier said as he caught Bakugo's headband, "He got us!" Mina said, "What'd you say, bastard? Give that back! I'll kill you!" Bakugo yelled as he fumed.

"Since Midnight said it was the first game, it wouldn't make sense for them to cut a ton of people in the qualifier, right? Assuming they'd keep about forty people for the next stage, we just made sure we stayed within that number as we ran." The blond from Class B said as Y/N carefully listened to his words.

"Observing from the back the Quirks and personalities of those who would be our rivals. There's no point in being obsessive over winning in the prelims, right?" He continued, wrapping Bakugo's headband points on his neck, 'He's smart.. I didn't think of that either.' Y/N thought in her mind.

"You did this as a class?" Bakugo asked, "Well, it wasn't a consensus but it was a good idea, right? It's better than going after a temporary "top" like a horse with a carrot waving in front of its face." The person stated.

"Oh, while I'm at it, you're famous, aren't you? As a victim of the sludge accident! Tell me about it sometime. About how it feels to be attacked by villains once a year." He slyly smirked at Bakugo, continuing to taunt him.

Bakugo gritted his teeth, "Kirishima.. plan's changed.." Bakugo snapped with his face distorted in annoyance and anger as his eye twitched, "Huh? Eh..?!" Kirishima looks at Bakugo with a nervous expression, "Before we get Deku.. I've gotta murder every last one of them!"

"Let's get Midoriya, it looks like he's distracted." Todoroki said as he traced Izuku with his eyes and his every movement, Y/N and the others nodded, "Everyone, it'll be easier to run aw-" Izuku said, but the sudden turn of his teammate interrupted him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2018 ⏰

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