He lowered the shotgun slightly, which game Rick the advantage to grab him, Oscar yanking the weapon from his hands,

"Let go!" The man shouted "let go of me. I'll kill you! Let go of me!"

"Shut up!" Rick whispered "shut up!"

As they were trying to get him to shut up, Riley must have seriously missed something, because next thing she know, the man is no longer with them and was now outside with the walkers, becoming their next meal, which gave them the advantage of getting away quietly.

The day slowly turned to night, Michonne led us through a small opening in the gates of Woodbury, now, they had been hiding out in what looked like a small pharmacy. The town was lit by scattered torches, not enough to attract attention from unwanted walkers, a slow breath emitted from Riley's nose, her bow at the ready, arrow pointed to the floor but not yet drawn back, not seeing any threat near by,

"If anyone comes in here, we're sitting ducks" Daryl said

"We gotta move" Rick added

"They could be in his apartment" Michonne said

"Yeah?" Riley asked, looking at her "what if they ain't?"

"Then we'll look somewhere else" she replied

"You said you could help us" Rick said, now getting angry

"Then where the hell are they?" Riley asked

Michonne shot her a small glare, but none of that crap phased her, watching as she walked over to a window and peered out, causing Riley to roll her eyes slightly,

"Hey" Rick said lowly, gaining Riley and Daryl's attention "if this goes south, we're cutting her loose"

"You think she's leading us into a trap?" Oscar asked

"Right now it's the blind leading the blind" Riley said, shrugging slightly, "we might have to find them on our own if we need to"

"Then we split up" Rick said

The front door suddenly began to open, which caused Riley to silently curse under her breath, Daryl grabbing her wrist and pulling her into a hiding spot, him being in front. Riley lowered the sound of her breathing, keeping her bow ready,

"I know you're there" a man said "I saw you moving from outside. All right, now. You're not supposed to be in here and you know it. Who's in here?"

"Shut up" Rick said lowly, the barrel of his gun aimed at the man's head "get on your knees" causing him to do as said with his hands raised "hands behind your back"

He put his hands behind his back, Riley slowly stood from her hiding spot to get a good view as to what was happening, Oscar to zip tying the man's hands together, Rick pressing the barrel of his gun to his head,

"Where are our people?" Rick demanded

"I don't know" the man replied

"You're holding some of our people" he replied "where are they?"

"I don't know" he said

"Open your mouth" Rick ordered, pressing the barrel of his gun into the man's mouth

Let's just say, all hell may or may not have broken loose.

They managed to find Glenn and Maggie, though. Glenn was beaten up pretty bad, his face badly bruised, and when they got there, Riley noticed that Maggie was wearing his shirt, which led her to believe that something happened to her that should never happen to a woman.

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now