The pizzaria

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* Luke's * P.O.V *

I couldn't stop thinking about the skype call last night. I love talking to her, she makes me smile, and I love her. But she doesn't love me, she thinks were to close to date. And I hate myself for it. She makes me wanna kiss her everytime I see her, but I can't. I can't do anything but hug her.

Later that day Michelle and I went to go get pizza. We do this a lot, and it's kinda like a tradition.

I drove by Michelle's house to pick her up. She was wearing skinny jeans, high tops, and a flannel. She always wears flannels and I think it's so cute-

No I can't keep thinking these thing it just makes me want her more, I need to stop.

* Michelle's P.O.V *

Me and luke were going to get pizza and I was rushing to get ready. I was wearing what I always wear. A casual flannel and skinny jeans. I don't really have any other clothes.

I hop in the car.

Luke looks so cute with his hair flipped up and his cute little lip ring.

I tell myself I don't love him but I still think he's really cute and attractive.

* Luke's P.O.V *

We get to the pizza place. I had totally forgot that I had something special planned for her.

She's walking ahead of me but I grab her arm and pull her back.

I then open the door and take her into the room.

" Luke what's this, this isn't usual "

" Just sit and relax "

" Wait where are you going "

I walk away and dim the lights. It's romantic and sweet.

I sit back down and ring a bell that's sitting on the edge of the table.

I see the pizza guy with the pizza I had ask special, just for her, coming to our table. Behind him I see a violinist playing softly across the room.

" Luke you didn't have to do this "

" Well there's something I've been wanting to talk about "

" Well what is it "

" I've been wanting to ask if.. If..

you'd be my girlfriend, now before you say anything, I know you say were to close, but why does that matter, if we were dating we'd be close, so what's the difference... Will you just give me the chance.

" Luke..... I told you "

" Plz "

* Michelle P.O.V *

" Luke we can't it will be to awkward "

" God dammit Michelle, won't you just give me a break, I love you, and you don't love me back. IT HURTS THAT UR NOT MINE, AND IT HURTS TO KNOW THAT I CANT HOLD YOU IN MY ARMS WITHOUT HAVING TO FEEL AKWARD.

" Luke, plz stop yelling at me, I'm sorry, bu- "

" I'm sorry, I'm sorry is that really all you have to say, I did all of this for you and what do you do, turn me down. "

I get up and walk out if the building. I can feel the tears in my eyes start leaking out, I wipe them but they keep coming, coming like a storm.

I've been walking for 5 minutes and I think I'm lost. I call my friend Emeri to come pick me up.

* Luke's P.O.V *

I sit with my face in my hands. There sweaty. I'm sweaty. I should be running after her, but I can't. My body won't move.

I finally get up and get in my car.

I drive around looking for her but I can't find her. I txt her and call her a million times but she doesn't answer.

I'm getting scared but I just drive home. I get straight in bed and my last hope to talk to her is skype. I call her once... No answer. Twice... No answer. I decide to stop and go to sleep. Maybe she will answer tomarrow.

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