Chapter 2

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I grabbed a hat and shades to go out so we could have food for the next few days as we were still on the run from the others. I grabbed a few things and used another person to pay for my groceries as I was his 'girlfriend' that he was buying groceries with.

"I got grocery and lunch with the help of my father and boyfriend," I smirked.

"You're a telepath too?"

"Sort of, I can't explain my powers," I sighed.

"Talk later, let's eat," Reed said.

"Can we talk really quick, Anya?" Marcos asked.

"Sure, let's talk....."

I got up and we went to talk when he showed my medallion from my father.

"Where did you get this?" Marcos asked.

"Well, I got it from my dad before he had to leave because the police were still chasing him," I answered.

"I remember Lorna had something similar to this," he said.

"Really? It can't be....Dad would've told me and Eric about having another child," I lied.

Dad did tell us before he and the X-Men disappeared which is why I'm here as well as something else but I have to stay focus.

"So, I can possibly be the aunt to your child that may have or may have not survived the birth," I scoffed.

"Yeah, maybe you can help me bring her back," Marcos mentioned.

"I have to go get some air.....I just, um, I just need to process this at the moment," I said.

I went upstairs to call Eric about the medallion and how we can actually find Lorna.

"I have an idea to kill two birds with one stone and you're going to help me," I smirked.

"What's the job?"

"We're going to go after the Inner Circle but I know where they're staying thanks to Lauren Strucker and her naive brother, Andy so while I'm helping the mutant underground, you'll be breaking in and taking our little niece," I revealed.

"When does this happen?" Eric asked.

"Next week....prepare yourself for the biggest job we have and prove Reeva shouldn't have messed with us," I said.

I hung up and went downstairs as Marcos gives me a look of what's my decision about this whole situation.

"I'll help you but I have something in mind that could persuade Lorna to our side.....the Inner Circle has a friend of mine hostage so they could use him as a weapon against the humans and I need to get him back," I revealed.

"Who is he?"

"His name is Nate.....Nate Grey," I answered.

"As in-"

"Yes, son of Cyclops and Jean Grey......which is why the Inner Circle took him and I was supposed to be taken as well but they were able to get Lorna by their side," I explained.

"Lorna would never want us to use other mutants like the doctor has in Trask Industries," John said.

"Look, I failed him once and I can't fail him again....honestly, I was trying to do that but Sentinel Services came after me and here I am," I said.


I was looking up at the stars as Marcos came up to join me.

"Is there anything between you and Nate?" Marcos asked.

"I was part of the Xavier Institute with my twin brother, Eric.....everyone was afraid of me except Nate and eventually the others were able to connect with me; Nate helped me alot when I was in denial of being a mutant, he helped me accept my mutant abilities, and I owe him my life after the X-Men disappeared and some of us former students had to go on the run," I explained.

"John told me about how he couldn't get some of the students due to Sentinel Services," he said.

"Yeah, it's been hard but we know that attacking the humans won't change anything....I've seen it, so has Nate and it terrifies me every night," I sighed.

"Let's head for bed," Marcos said.

We were going downstairs when there was this moment of weakness where we were both worried and I could feel his worry.

"You're worried," I mentioned.

"Yeah, the woman I love may never come back and I have to put our child first if she keeps doing this to us," Marcos explained.

"She'll come back for you me," I said.

Marcos hugs me as we go downstairs to sleep and little did I expect for me to have that nightmare again.

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