You Think I'm Beautiful?- Part One

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Dean's P.O.V-

I wake up and I look at the clock, it's 6 in the morning. That's to damn early even for me but once I'm up, I'm up. I looked to my right and see AJ and think 'Wait what the hell is AJ doing in my bed...'

Then it hit me, the contest she put me and the boys in to see who would get to share a bed with her. I get up slowly so I don't wake her up, but then in my head I told myself 'Dean now's your chance kiss her now! Do it! You know you like her!'

I slowly connect my lips with hers and she starts to kiss back. I thought in my head 'Oh shit, she isn't asleep is she? Dammit Dean!' She wraps her arms around my neck and slips her tongue in my mouth. I then back away after 5 minutes of the best makeout session ever then look down and see her eyes are open.

AJ- Deany if you wanted to kiss me so bad you could've just asked.

Dean- I couldn't help it your just so beautiful.

AJ's P.O.V-

'No one has ever called me beautiful before, not even my exes. April you know you've liked him since FCW why don't you just tell him! Do it now!' I told myself in my head.

AJ- You think I'm beautiful?

Dean- Yes I do and I need to tell you something...

AJ- I do too...

There was a silence between us then we said at the same time:

AJ and Dean- I want to be with you! Do you want to be with me?

AJ and Dean- Yes, I love you!

Then our lips connected and our hands intertwined.

Seth and Roman- *fake cries* That was so touching...I wish that would happen to us! *grabs a tissue*

AJ- Were you guys watching us the whole time?

Seth- Yes we were, now are you guys together yet!

Dean- Yes we are...*mumbles* 'you fucking weirdo'

Seth- What was that?

Dean- Nothing...*starts to slap hands with him*

AJ- Oh stop it guys! *tries to pull them apart but starts joining the slap fight*

This was going on for awhile and Roman was getting annoyed so he yelled:

Roman- Okay that's it...WHO WANTS STARBUCKS!

They all turn and I think Roman was loud enough to alert Kaitlyn, Layla, and Summer Rae because they came pounding on the door and broke the lock and ended up getting in our room.

Summer, Kaity, and Lay- WHO SAID STARBUCKS!

Me, Dean, and Seth pointed at Roman and then Summer ran up threw him and pinned him to the ground and said:


Roman- I haven't gotten it yet! Do you wanna come with me to get it!

Summer, Kaity, Lay, and Dean- Yes!

Me and Seth decided to stay because the car was gonna get really crowded if we did.

-30 minutes later-

AJ- I'm gonna hop in the shower so don't open your eyes until I tell you to or I will tell Dean you looked.

Seth- Okay!

I hopped into the shower and was in there for about 20 minutes then got out. I brushed and blow dried my hair then put my hair in pigtails. I dried my body off and decided to wear a Explicit Shield crop top with the boys on it pounding fists, black short shorts, and black high chucks with white laces.

I came out of the bathroom and surprised Seth with the top I was wearing.

AJ- I have a surprise for you Sethie!

Seth- Well what is it! You know I love surprises cupcake!

AJ- Open your eyes!

Seth- Holy cupcake! That's so hot...*starts to stare*

AJ- *slaps his face playfully* Snap out of it Sethie!

Seth- just looks really, really good on you, cupcake.

AJ- Aww thank you Sethie! *kisses cheek*

Seth- Your welcome cupcake!

-1 hour later-

I was sitting on Seth's lap and turned my body around so I was facing him then asked:

AJ- Sethie, where are they? They've been at Starbucks for a hour and a half already?

Seth- Yeah let me text the gir- *scrolls through phone* if I had their numbers and Roman never answers his phone and neither does Dean.

AJ- Oh just let me do it!

-Texts AJ to Summer-

A- where r u guys at???

S- well the damn line is so long we've been here 4ever

A- r u guys any closer to the cashier???

S- yea we r 2 ppl away from getting our drinks!!! yay!

A- okie and asks evryone if they want 2 have a movie marathon???

S- they said sure but each person has to pic one movie okay?

A- okay thanks baii

S- oh by the way we r on the way back to the hotel r we hangin in ur room b4 raw??

A- yuppies u know the room # rite??

S- yea I do well seeya in ten minutes baii

A- baii

-Texting Ends-

AJ- Sethie they're on the way back now, the line was just really long!

Seth- Yayyy!! *laughs*

AJ- Oh we're all having a movie marathon tonight so were all going to Blockbusters after the Raw tonight!

Seth- Yayy!!

*knock knock*

AJ- Who's there and no pun intended you jerks! *laughs*

Kaity- It's just us, here's your drink! *giggles*

Everyone entered the room and there was an awkward silence until I decided to break it.

AJ- Guys, we have to get ready for Raw ughhhh...

Kaity, Lay, and Summer- Huhhh...

The boys- Aww man...

Kaity- Everyone meet in the lobby we can get a cab together...

Kaity, Lay, and Summer left the room to go get dressed. We all quickly got dressed and made our way to the lobby. We saw the girls standing there waiting for us so we all walked outside and hailed a cab. After we all got in it was off to the arena.


I hope you guys have enjoyed this story so far!

Thanks for voting and reading this! You guys are awesome! So I will update in a day or couple hours! Seeya guys! :P \(°▼°)/ huggies!

So that was another chapter of........I NEED YOURR LOVVEEE!!! So I will see all you dudes...IN THE NEXT UPDATE!!!

- Jacksepticeye

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