My First Match Against A Champion

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AJ's P.O.V-

I hear the guy yell,"AJ your up next!"

I say thank you to him then I hear my theme music. I do a pose and start skipping down to the ring I skip around the ring once, climb up the steps and go into the ring.

I hear the other girl's theme music and see her name on the titantron. It says Paige, I used to work with her until she got signed here and left NXT. I saw on her shoulder as she climbed into the ring a divas championship title, 'This is why you're here April for that title it will be yours' I repeated that in my head.

-Halfway in the Match-

I was in the corner and was getting up. I saw her run towards me so I countered and put my body on the top ropes while she rammed her shoulder into the steel post. I pulled her out of the turn buckle and kicked her in the stomach she was on one knee now, I gave her a shining wizard then pinned her


Lillian- And your winner and New Divas Champion AJ Lee!

"Wow AJ! You did amazing out there for your first match! You won the the title! That's so big! Congrats!", the british diva hugged me and walked out so she could attend her opponents in the ring.

"AJ OH MY GOD YOU WON!", Kaity screamed hugging me.

"I KNOW I'M SO EXCITED!", I told her.

"Well I gotta go me and Layla are having a tag team match right now.", she turned to walk, but I stopped her.

"Kaity she went out without you she's out there waiting for you in the ring.", I pointed to the tv with Layla in the middle of the ring waiting.

"Thanks AJ! Seeya!", she walked out.

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