7th Year/Battle of Hogwarts

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It was the start of our seventh year. It felt weird going back without Draco. We stayed with Draco for the summer because his house was the safest place for us. Blaise, Pansy, and I all arrived at Kings Cross together. We ran onto Platform 9 ¾ and didn't see Potter, Weasley, or the Mudblood. Apparently they weren't coming back either. Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood gave us a weird look when we got on the train. We found an empty compartment and sat down.

"Guys we have to keep our heads low this term, we're targets now that Potter started running his mouth. But with Snape as headmaster that should help." Blaise said.

"Draco said that they have something planned. Something big." Pansy said in a hushed tone. "He said that no matter what the three of us would be safe but he's not sure about everyone else and he knows for sure Potter isn't safe." The train began moving. There was something different about going to Hogwarts this year. Something dark and ominous feeling. Even for us as Death Eaters it was dark. I laid my head in Blaise's lap and fell asleep. I only woke up when the train stopped at Hogwarts. We entered the carriages this time the three of us were alone.

"This year is going to be very different even some of the Slytherin kids are going to single us out because let's be honest a lot of them didn't deserve to be in Slytherin in the first place. They befriended muggles and blood traitors" Blaise said. We all knew Blaise was right about some of the Slytherin kids but it was still going to suck that some members of our own house were going to be against us. We pretty much sat in silence the whole carriage ride. Thinking in our heads how differently the school was going to run now with Snape as headmaster. Snape liked us so he should give us a break whereas if McGonagall was headmaster the three of us would have most likely been expelled from Hogwarts for what happened on the Astronomy Tower. McGonagall wasn't very forgiving at all and even though Draco was the most involved with the plan stupid Potter said he saw Pansy, Blaise, and I on the astronomy tower that night and that we left with the rest of the Death Eaters. Once the carriages pulled up to the castle Snape met us in one of the corridors.

"I've hired the Carrow twins to help run things around here. I've already told them that the three of you are not to be punished except by me in extreme and I mean extreme circumstances. I'm also going to need the three of you to help keep order around here Potter's friends are already stirring up a muck and I don't need that happening in my school. While Potter, Mr. Weasley, and Granger are out trying to destroy the Dark Lord I need the three of you to keep his friends as quiet as you can. By any means necessary." Snape said in a very serious and hushed tone. The three of us nodded and walked into the Great Hall with Snape. We were seated at the head of Slytherin Table.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts" Snape said at the podium. I have to admit it was weird seeing him up there and not Dumbledore. "First of all I have some orders that need to be addressed. The Prefects of Slytherin will be changed this year. Mr. Zabini will be the male Prefect for Slytherin and Ms. Farley will be the female Prefect for Slytherin. They will be given responsibility to not only punish those in their house but others who they feel have acted out of line. Punishment will be given by the Carrow twins whom are all too eager to begin and finally, anyone, student or staff who hears, sees, or even talks to Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, or Hermione Granger are required to report it to either myself, the Carrow's, Ms. Farley, Mr. Zabini, or even Ms. Parkinson. Failure to report this will result in an expulsion from the school for students or staff and the individual will be reported to the Death Eaters command." Snape said. You could hear everyone whispering and getting slight scared. The old Prefects for Slytherin came over to Blaise and I and gave us their badges. At this point Blaise, Pansy, and I realized that we were basically going to be ruling the school. Once dinner was over we headed back to the common room. Blaise's and my stuff was brought to our new rooms. Prefects got their own private rooms up the stairs from the dormitories.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Feb 26, 2019 ⏰

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