Break/Returning to Hogwarts

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I eventually found my parents in the back of Kings Cross Station. My dad hugged me and got my trunk. We got in the car and I sat in the back quietly. All I could think about was Blaise.

"I made your favorite for dinner" my mum said. I didn't reply to her. "Honey are you okay?" I snapped back into reality.

"I'm sorry, what?" I said.

"I made your favorite for dinner, shepherd's pie" she said sounding really proud of herself.

"Sound great mum" I said trying to be happy. I couldn't wait for break to be over so I could get back to seeing my group of friends. "Oh mum they're having a ball at school and I don't have any dresses so can we go dress shopping while I'm home?" I asked knowing she'd say yes because she loved to dress shop.

"Absolutely! We'll make a day out of it." She said. I knew the dress had to be dark green or black to match Blaise. We pulled up to my house I got out of the car and dragged my trunk inside. The house looked exactly the same but felt worlds different. I went to my room unpacked a bit and then ate dinner with my parents which was amazing, you forget how amazing home cooked food tastes until you've been away for a while. When dinner was over I went upstairs and pulled out my guitar. I began playing a song I had been working on.

The next day my mum woke me up early. She told me to get dressed and ready to go out to look at dresses. I rolled out of bed, took a shower, dried and straightened my hair, quickly threw on some makeup and got dressed. I walked down stairs and saw my mom waiting for me. She handed me a quick breakfast so I could eat in the car. We walked outside and got into the car.

"So who are you going with? You have plenty of dresses up there that you could wear. The fact you want a new one means you're trying to impress someone" my mum asked.

"I'm going with Blaise believe it or not" I said realizing she knew the name but had no idea who he actually was. She looked over at me and smiled.

"You should get your hair trimmed too while we're out today, it's getting a little dead at the end." As she said that I looked at the ends of my hair and knew she was right. "So which one is Blaise, is he the one with the really blonde hair or the other one?"

"The other one, the blonde one is Draco" I said. We pulled up to the shopping area and got out of the car. We went into the one dress store and I was looking through the rows of dresses. My mum pulled a few really puffy pink dresses. I shook my head at her. I pulled a few black and darker green dresses from the racks and went to the dressing room. None of the black dresses really impressed me. I finally decided to pull try on a black dress that my mom picked. It had a lot of Lace on the bodice. It had a belt that had black and gold beads in it. From the belt layers of tulle flowed out going all around the dress, except for the front. The front of the tulle was open revealing the rest of the lace dress that came to about my upper thigh. It had long lace sleeves.

"Mum I think I found it" I said. She looked over at me. When I walked out she smiled at me and nodded. She knew this would be the perfect dress for me for the ball. Luckily the store model fit me so we didn't have to wait for it to be sized or anything. The woman wrapped the dress up for me and put it in a nice box. After we left the dress store we went to the salon and got my hair trimmed and then went to lunch. We sat down at a table in one of our favorite restaurants.

"So you and Blaise? I always thought it was going to be you and Draco. As long as you're happy though." My mum said taking a sip of her drink.

"I am mum, I really am, I mean Draco is a great friend but I never saw him in that way. But, there has always been something there with Blaise." I said grabbing a piece of bread and putting some butter on it. We ate our lunch and headed back home. My dad was sitting at the table, he looked up and handed me a letter that was delivered by owl this morning. I looked at the hand writing and smiled. I took the letter and the dress up to my room. I sat on my bed and opened the letter.

I told you I'd write you. I started writing this in the car on the way home from Kings Cross. I feel like an idiot for not telling you how I felt sooner. Here we are starting a new relationship and have to spend a month apart. Hopefully it'll go by quickly. We'll figure out a way to deal with Potter and them when we get back to school. Hopefully you'll have a good break, see you when we get back...I'll probably write again.

~Love Blaise

I folded the letter and smiled. I went over to my desk and pulled out a piece of parchment.

You did keep your word. I wasn't expecting a letter this soon. Don't beat yourself up too much, I should have told you too but didn't, no matter how much I wanted too. The month apart shouldn't be too bad, we'll both fall into a family routine and it'll go by quickly. I got a dress for the ball, mum and I went shopping today. I can't wait to be back either. Sorry to make this short but mums calling me to help with dinner.

~Love Aidan.

I folded the letter put it in an envelope, put his address on the envelope, walked downstairs and handed it to our owl. I watched him fly off and then went to help my mum. We ate dinner, I helped my mum clean up, and then went upstairs to my bedroom. I laid on my bed and looked up at the ceiling. I opened up Blaise's letter again. My mum came upstairs with two cups of tea and sat on the edge of my bed. She handed me one.

"When are you going to tell your father about the boy?" my mum asked sounding a bit concerned. "You know how your father is, I wouldn't wait too long." I nodded and finished my tea and went downstairs to see my dad sitting at the table reading his paper. I sat across from him at the table.

"Um dad I need to tell you something" I said. My dad wouldn't care about Blaise, mostly because he's from a powerful family and in Slytherin, it's just never fun talking to your dad about boys. He looked up, folded his paper and put it down. "You know my friends. Well I'm sort of dating one of them now and I'm going with him to the ball Hogwarts is having this year." I said. My dad looked at me.

"Is it Draco?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"Um no, it's my friend Blaise you've met him a few times" I said. My dad nodded.

"Oh yes him, I've always liked him. He has a good grasp on the way the world should work." He said picking back up his newspaper. I took a breath of relief and went back upstairs. Now that my dad knew it would be a lot easier.

The rest of the break went by pretty quickly. Before I knew it I was in the car being driven to King Cross Station by my parents. I said goodbye as quickly as I could and ran to platform 9 ¾. Draco was already there. I walked over to him and hugged him.

"Good break?" he asked looking around for Pansy.

"Yeah it was alright, yours?" I asked looking around for Pansy or Blaise.

"It was okay little boring, little bit lonely since my parents don't know about Pansy so it was a little hard for us to communicate" Draco said.

I saw Pansy running over to Draco. Once she was close enough she jumped on him. The two of them were good together. I saw Blaise looking around for us. I quickly ran my fingers through my hair and fixed my gray beanie on my head. I had on a tight black crop top, my leather jacket, a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, and my black boots. He eventually saw us and walked over. Before I could say hi, he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him back. It wasn't until right now that I realized how much I missed him. He picked me up and spun me around. We all got on the train and kicked a few first years out of the compartment we wanted. Blaise and I sat on one side while Draco and Pansy sat on the other. Blaise wrapped his arm around me.

"I have to say, I like this pairing" Draco said pointing at Blaise and me. I smiled and put my head on Blaise's shoulder. The train starting moving. We were all excited to get back to Hogwarts. I was just excited to be back with the guys again. We all ended up falling asleep pretty early into the ride. When I woke up Blaise's head was gently rested on top of mine and he was still asleep. The train stopped and they all woke up. We grabbed our stuff and got off the train.

Was it meant to be?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें