The Rest of Term

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We again got stuck on a carriage with Potter, Granger, Weasley, and Looney Lovegood. We were all silent for most of the carriage ride.

"I hope they have pudding" Lovegood said. Draco and Blaise tried very hard not to laugh but eventually busted out. Looney or Luna Lovegood was a weird one. She had all these weird thoughts. Her mother died and she was raised by her half-blood father who was just as messed up as she was. I only ever talked to her once and it was because we had to work together in a 2nd year potions class. She was a disaster to work with. She did want to do anything that felt like it had a bad aura to it. Luckily for Pansy, Blaise, Draco, and I we were all at the N.E.W.T level of potions so Luna wasn't in our classes anymore. Blaise and Draco were still kind of laughing.

"Why are you guys such jerks?" Ron finally asked. We all looked over at him.

"What all we're wondering is when the nice men from Azkaban are going to come take her away for a psychological evaluation. I mean you guys have to see she really needs one" Draco said. I muffled a laugh under my breath.

"You know Malfoy for someone whose father is suffering in Azkaban right now I thought you'd be the last person wanting to send people there" Potter said. I saw the look on Draco's face he was about to pounce on him and kill him. Pansy and I both held Draco back. Blaise would have let him kill Potter but it was too soon. We all know it's been tough on Draco with his father being in Azkaban and it's scary for the rest of us if Lucius was thrown in Azkaban for just being a Death Eater then all of our parents could be put in Azkaban for the same thing. The carriages stopped and we all got off. Hermonie mumbled something under her breath about us.

"Stupid Mudblood" Pansy said. Harry lunged for Pansy but Draco knocked him back. We saw Ron and Hermonie hold Harry back and Pansy and I dragged Draco away. We went up to the common room where our trunks had already been brought. Draco threw himself on the couch.

"Who does that Potter think he is. Bringing up my father, trying to attack my girlfriend. Just wait until I get my hands on him later this term. He's gonna regret saying anything to me ever." Draco said in an angry tone. Pansy put her hand on his shoulder.

"We'll get him, don't worry there's plenty of time" Pansy said. Blaise and I sat on the other couch and looked over at Draco.

"I'm sorry about your dad Draco" I said. He nodded at me. You could see it was really bothering him. Draco's dad was hard on him but at the end of the day they were really close and a lot alike.

"It's scary to think, you know. Right now it's my dad but soon it could be my mum and my whole family or your families or even us for just being connected. These half-bloods and mudbloods aren't going to stop until everything is "equal" which it will never be. Pure-blooded wizards and witches are always going to rule the wizarding world that's just how it goes. They may not like it but that's the way the world works, the way it has always worked." Draco said. At that moment we all knew that Draco was close to becoming a full Death Eater or was already one by the way he was talking. The rest of us were still in training to become Death Eaters. It's the path most of us follow to be like our parents but it's still a scary one, especially after what happened to Draco's father. I mean he's right that could be any one of our parents or us. Blaise gently grabbed my hand and link his fingers through mine. Pansy sat next to Draco and he wrapped his arm around her.

"Everything is changing guys. We have to stick together and keep each other safe." I said looking around at them.

"I agree. We're the best chance any of us has. When banded together we're too powerful for anyone to take us down." Blaise said. Everyone started coming into the common room. We all went up to our rooms to change into our uniforms for the welcome back dinner. Blaise, Pany, Draco, and I walked in together. We sat at the Slytherin table. We saw Potter and his friends walk in. Draco looked down at the table. Dumbledore came up to the podium to welcome us all back. Draco got a weird look on his face when he saw Dumbledore. All of us noticed it. Once the meal was over Draco bolted out of the Great Hall. All of us ran after him. Blaise finally caught him and stopped him.

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