Chapter 6- 4 Musketeers

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Some weird silhouette appeared! Status stands there.

Status: The hell is this?

Nathan buzzes in.

Nathan: that's an advanced cyberdemon! Don't approach! It may be too much for you!

Rick: We have no other choice. We turn back, we die. We continue on, we may die too. There's no other way around this.

Status: That is true.

Nathan: This is for your safety—

Rick turns off his earpiece.

Rick: Fuck safety. We are edgy.

Noah: Mainly Liam.

Liam: Shut up Noah.

A couple of thuds are heard. Two dead and feasted on bodies are dropped in front of the 4. Status approaches the bodies.

Status: ....Oh no....

The dead, feasted on bodies of Bruno and Rhett were the bodies.

Noah: No, no, no no no.....*starts tearing up*

Rick: Gone too soon.....

Liam: Who in the hell?

Status: It's not about who did it, it's about what....

The 4 turn to the silhouette getting closer and closer

Status: Everyone get ready...

The silhouette charges at the 4, it's revealed to be an advanced cyberdemon, and it tries blasting Status, but Status blocks it with the tip of his shovel. And then the shovel absorbs the blast and shoots back at the creature, who is hit in the shoulder with the attack.


Rick: Where did you learn to do THAT my love??!

Status: It's MY Golden Shovel! What did you expect?

The demon shoots a few explosive discs at Status, but he blocks those with his shovel. However, they go off, and the impact stuns Status and knocks him down.


Rick hurls the axe at the cyberdemon, and it hits his chest. Rick walks up.

Rick: I told you, you would die for that...

He drives the axe deeper into the creatures chest. But the creature starts PULLING THE AXE OUT OF HIMSELF! IT BARELY STAYS IN!

Rick: Damnit.

The creature punches Rick harshly, nearly incapacitating him. Noah and Liam look at the creature.

Noah: Ok you emo, got any ideas?

Liam: Yeah, it sounds badass too. You got anything to drive into his stomach.

Noah looks at Ricks battleaxe.

Noah: Check!

Noah rushes over to Rick and the battleaxe.

Rick: *weakly* Don't touch my battle axe you asshole...

Noah: I just need to borrow this real quick.

Noah grabs the axe, runs up at the cyberdemon, and drives it into his stomach area.

Liam: Alright Noah, you did your part!

Liam pulls a....hat out of his toolbox.

Liam: Call me a magician....

Liam pulls a grenade outside of that hat.

Liam: Cause Ima make this numpty disappear....

Liam throws a grenade that lands in the cyberdemons mouth! It blows up! Blood comes out, and it lands on Noah.

Noah: ......EWWWWW! EW! EWWWW! Liam, you got ITS BLOOD over me!!

Liam: I saved your life, stop complaining!

Status gets up, and Rick starts to.

Rick: Liam, for the first time in a long time, I'm gonna say thank you.

Status: The good thing is that we survived.

Noah: Wonder what's next.

The 4 see the exit, and head through it.

Meanwhile, GM, Braden, and Crim exit their path. And they see Liam, Rick, Status, and Noah!

Braden: Thank god you guys are ok!

GM: Yeah, we blasted this tentacle thing.

Braden: Got blood all over me. Ruined my look today.


Status: What matters is, that we made it out alive.

Rick: Wait...where's Nate?

Nate is just sitting where he was after Rhett died, eating some fruit in his pocket, until Nathan buzzed in.

Nathan: Nate, what are you doing just standing there? You have to keep moving!

Nate: I watched two of my longtime friends die today, Nathan. Do you think I'd just brush it off?

Nathan: I understand, but you have to keep moving. Something is in there!

Nate: Wait wha—

But Nate was cut off, as Nathan heard struggling sounds through the earpiece....

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