Chapter 5- What's Behind Path Number One?

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Braden, GM, and Crim approached the fog, with Braden leading the group. 

Braden: Once I distract this thing, find a way to kill it. 

GM: And if you die? 

Braden: Find a way to kill it. I'm not going to force you guys to mourn, just do that on your own time. 

Crim: Guys look! 

A tentacle Monster appears, and Braden gets his weapon ready. 

Braden: I'll fend it off. Go. Now! 

GM And Crim scurry away to find away.

Braden is face to face with the creature. 

Braden: Alright, first off, brush your teeth more, second of all, find a better hygiene plan. You look horrendous. 

The creature grabs Braden's arm, but Braden shoots the tentacle off, without hurting his own arm. A tentacle attempts to slam down on Braden, but he dodges it, stomps on it, runs on it, jumps over the other tentacle while running, and kicks the creature in the face! Braden backflips down, with a solid piece of tentacle he cut off. 

Braden: En garde. 

GM And Crim are running up nearby stairs, and sees the power box in a room out.

Crim: CRAP

GM: What do we do? 

GM And Crim rush into the room, and see a button. GM rushes over to it. He sees that the button is labeled Door 13. 

GM: Please do something....

Braden is meanwhile ducking tentacle shots. A beam lights up for a quick second, but then stops. Braden is kicked down by the creature, but rolls away from a tentacle stab. Braden grabs his earpiece. 

Braden: What happened there? 

Nathan: *through earpiece* nearby, someone pressed the Door 13 button. It evaporates whoever it hits in the room YOUR in? 

Braden: Then WHY did it go OFF? 

Nathan: It must be out of power or something. I'll keep watch. 

Meanwhile, GM is bamboozled. 

GM: Sorry Crim, the button did nothing. 

Crim: Crap! 

Nathan: *through earpiece* The button you pressed DID do something! Yes, I saw this room too. Listen, restore the power, and get that monster in range for the blast. 

GM: Where is this blast taking place? 

Nathan: *through earpiece* Well, it can save Braden. So, restore the power in that room, and save him! 

Nathan buzzes off. GM takes a look at the power box. It needs a green orb in it for it to power-up. 

GM: Alright...Crim. 

Crim: What? 

GM: I'm sending you on a scavenger hunt. 

Crim: SHIT! 

GM: Find that green orb we need, get it to this generator, so we cab power up this button, and hope that Braden is still alive. 

Crim: Lets hope this is easy. 

While GM paces around, he sees a combat rifle. 

GM: I need something to defend myself with besides that weak pistol. 

Crim exits the door, and sees a safe. But on top of the safe of course, is a green orb! 

Crim: Huh. That was easy. 

Crim walks up, and takes the orb. He turns around, and heads on back. But behind him, scratching and growling sounds are behind the safe.....the safe starts unlocking itself....

Crim rushes in, and towards the power box. He opens the covering, and inserts the green orb. 

Crim: I got it! 

GM: Great job, now we wait...

And after a few seconds, the laser changes to a lighter green color. 

GM: Here goes nothing....

After a press of a button, the beam started lighting up again. 

Meanwhile, in Braden's battle, he got cut on the leg! The tentacle monster pins him down. The monster lifts up his tentancle and stabs Braden in the arm. But when it goes for a stomach shot, the beam lights up, and shoots the tentacle monster, evaporating it! It's blood spills all over Braden! Braden stands up though. 

Braden: THAT WAS GROSS....

GM And Crim rush down from the stairs. 

GM: Your welcome. 

Braden: Yeah, thanks. 

Nathan buzzes on the earpiece. 

Nathan: Fantastic job guys. I'll go check in on Liam, Rick, Status, and Noah now. Stay safe! 

Nathan buzzes off. 

GM: Sooo, What now? 

Braden: Hunt and kill. It's about time we aren't the ones getting pushed around anymore.....

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