My Love - Part 1 (MJJ Imagine No. 17 for Artemis in Greece)

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It’s been a long, hectic day and you’re anxious to begin a nice, quiet evening alone.  After dinner and cleaning up the kitchen, you pour yourself a glass of wine and head into the living room where you turn on the music of your favorite musician, a cassette tape you made with your favorite ballads of his.  Tonight you just want to sit back, relax and listen to his voice.  You sit down on the couch. 

His voice.

You never realized how much you loved hearing his voice until you stopped hearing from him.  “Michael, why haven’t you called me?” you say out loud.  “Why aren’t you returning my calls?”  You wipe away the single tear that managed to escape and roll down your cheek.  You put your head back and close your eyes, thinking back to October 10th, the day before your birthday:

“Only six more hours!” you excitedly tell your best friend.  “I’m so excited I can’t sit still!”  She laughs.  “It’s been almost two months since I’ve seen him.  He was so excited when I told him I had tickets to this show.  He called me the next day and told me he couldn’t wait to give me my birthday presents.  He said he had two for me.”

“Did he give you any hint about them?”


“I can’t wait to get to your place.  I think I’m as excited as you!”  You both laugh.  “I better get going so I can get ready, pick you up and hopefully we have time to grab some dinner first.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later.”  You hang up and walk to your stereo to put Michael’s Dangerous album on.  Your phone rings.  “Hello.”

“It’s me again.  Turn on the TV; the news channel.”


“Just do it.  The commercial is almost over.  Go.”

You put the phone down and go turn on the TV.  You find the news channel just as the news comes back on.  You stand there feeling a little shocked as you hear:

“Due to serious health reasons, Michael Jackson has cancelled his concert at Olympic Stadium this evening.  No word from representatives of the Jackson camp about rescheduling tonight’s performance.  Apparently while in Romania, the King of Pop . . . “

You turn the TV off and walk back to the phone.  “He cancelled?” you ask as your excitement immediately turns to disappointment.

“He must be really sick if he cancelled.  Has he called you?”

“No.  I haven’t heard from him in about a week.  He’s been calling me every three or four days since we met.  I just assumed he was busy with the Tour.”

“Well, I’ll let you go in case he’s trying to call you.”


“Arti, I’m sorry you won’t be able to see him perform tonight.  I know how much you’ve always wanted to see him in concert.”

“I’ll be okay.  Hopefully he calls me soon.”

“Take care.  Bye.”


You sigh at the memory.

“Some birthday,” you say out loud.  “He’s called me for eight straight months.  He’s stopped in for visits here and there when he was ‘in the neighborhood’.”  You laugh at that thought and repeat, “In the neighborhood.”  You shake your head and laugh again.  “Only you, Michael, would consider flying over Greece to be ‘in the neighborhood’.”  You take a sip of wine then lean back again.  “Where are you, Michael?  It’s December now.  You cancelled all your shows.  I miss you.”  You put your wine glass on the coffee table and decide to lie down.  You close your eyes and listen to his voice coming from your stereo.  The peace his voice brings you lulls you to sleep.

To be continued . . .

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