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Ceremony have started. Luna was standing next to priestess and coalition flag with all 13 clans symbols. The rules of every clan were coming, putting their hand in the paint and then leaving the mark on the flag. Then they were bowing down to Luna before they could walk away. She felt amazing. when it was the last clan's turn she smiled. Marcus Kane was a Skaikru leader. He took his part in ritual and came back where his people were standing. All the clans accepted her as a new leader. The ceremony was almost over, now it was Lexa's turn to walk in front of Luna.

- Lexa kom Trikru- said the priestess.

Luna looked at the audience but her sister wasn't there. Luna started feeling the anger but a few seconds later Lexa opened the door and walked in. All eyes turned at her, she was looking confident. Lexa have stolen Luna's shine even today.Luna was furious for a moment she was sure Lexa is not gonna come and now she walked in acting like nothing happened! Luna wanted to leave but priestess Gaia she grabbed her arm. 

- Be angry later. You still want this, don't lose your chance- Gaia said. 

Luna agreed so she stayed. Lexa stood in front of Luna. She took her own black blood and painted Luna's forehead with it.She couldn't look her in the eyes because she was afraid what she's gonna see. Then the ceremony was over and Luna was consider a new Heda. There was only one thing she had to do. When everyone left the room it was time to hand over the flame. Gaia took if from Lexa and putted into Luna's neck.

- Sister I..- Lexa tried to apologize.

- I don't want to talk to you- Luna said and left the room. 

- Don't worry. she need time to think and calm down- Gaia said and smiled to Lexa.  

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