Chapter 8

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Sam, Neal, Peter and Jones went back to the FBI HQ. Sam and Neal sat down at their desks and Peter went into the conference room. Neal sat in his chair fiddling with a cigarette. He tore off the filter. Inside, there was an address. Neal grinned as he looked down at the address.

Meanwhile in the conference room Peter was looking at a computer. There's a beach background on it. He smiled and Neal knocked Sam right behind him

"I found my bottle." Peter said

Neal Held up the address and said "I found Hagan."

"You first."

"There's this warehouse, down by the docks. Hagan runs it through a shell corporation out of Guatemala." Neal told him

"We didn't know about this, how did you?"

"I don't think you rely on rumor as much as Sam and I do."

"Let's go."

Neal, Sam, and Peter drove to the docks. The docks were heavily guarded. Peter, Sam and Neal stayed out of sight, next to a large door.

Neal and Sam pressed their ears against door.

"Did ya hear that? Peter." Neal asked

"Hear what?"

"Kind of a rhythmic shh-shh. That's a press. Damn it Peter, that is a printing press. He's printing bonds in there right now, you can hear him!" Sam said

"How long until they're done?" Peter asked

" A multicolor print shop as complicated as the Goya. Test proofs, ink formulation, perfection registration, he'll be running it for days." Neal told him

Peter diald phone


"Yeah, boss?"

"I need recording equipment down here immediately."

"You got it."

They went back to the FBI HQ to make a plain of action. They held a meeting in the conference room

"I am on board. Hagan is our guy. We still don't have enough for a warrant."

"We know the bonds are there, just open the door." Neal said

"Yeah why not just go in and arrest him?" Sam asked

"Neh. Mmm-hm. Well, you two should read this." Peter slid a book across the table to Neal and Sam

"Warrant law. All I've got is sound coming out of a warehouse and no way to link him to the bond." Peter leaned over the desk. 

 "I've got to talk to your friend."


"C'mon, Neal, the guy who gave you a cigarette."

"I have no-"

"What, do you think Jones is an idiot?"Neal sighed and Sam gave him a look like 'I told you he'd want to talk to Mozzie'

"I have to know how he connected Hagan to the warehouse. C'mon, Neal, and you gotta trust me." Peter said

"Okay, okay. I'll bring you to him. First thing tomorrow." Neal told him

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2018 ⏰

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