Chapter 4

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The next day Peter walked into the shabby hotel lobby.

"Hey. I'm here for Caffrey, room 11,and Kingsmen, room 12" he said to the destination clerk

"Oh, yeah, yeah, ol' Snake Eyes. Nice Guy. Left ya a note"

He handed Peter a note. Peter unfolded the note and It sayed..

"Dear Peter,

Sam and I have moved 1.6 miles, 351 Riverside Drive,

"XOXO Neal".

Peter drove to 351 Riverside Drive not believing that Neal and Sam could have found something nicer for 700 dollars each a month. When Peter got out of his car at Sam and Neal's new address he gasped at the house

"You've got to be kidding me"

Peter knocked and a maid answered the door

"I think I have the wrong address."

"You must be Peter." June said from the other room

"I'm looking for Neal Caffrey and Samantha Kingsmen" Peter said in disbelief

"They're upstairs"

Peter was speechless he went up the stairs still not believing what was happening. Neal and Sam lived there in that beautiful house, he didn't think so. Peter opened the door to the roof to find Neal lounging in a robe, reading a newspaper and Sam sitting next to Neal reading a book.

"You're early." Neal said

"We're chasing a lead at the airport. We got a hit on Snow White."

"Snow White... the phrase you decoded from a suspected Dutchman comunidade at Barcelona. Uh" Sam said

"You moved." Peter said

"Yeah, it's nice than the other place, don't you think?" Neal answered

"The smell alone is better. Here I don't feel like barfing" Sam told Peter

"Yeah, I don't remember the other place having a view." Peter Said

"We went to the thrift store, like you suggested, and June-" Neal started

 "The lady with the dog. We met." Peter interrupted

"Was donating her late husband's clothes. We hit it off, she had an extra guest room..." Neal finished


"You said, if we found a nicer place for the same price, we should take it." Sam pointed out

"I did say that. All this for seven hundred?" Peter asked still not believing what was going

"Yep. But we help out around the place." Neal told him

"Oh, sure, feed the dog-"

"Yeah, wash the Jag" Sam told him

"I watch her granddaughter from time to time." Neal said

"She's got you baby sitting?" Peter asked

A really attractive young girl who was obviously not as young as Peter was thinking walked by.

"How's it going?" Peter asked her

"Morning, Neal. Sam" she said

"Granddaughter?" Peter asked

"She's an art student." Neal told him

"Yeah her name's Cindy" Sam said

"Unbelievable. Go get dressed"

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