Chapter 7

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They took a cab to June's house.

"Thanks" Sam said to the cab driver

Sam and Neal entered June's house. And Neal slid his hat across the piano straight into Mozzie's waiting hand

"You're late." Mozzie told them

"Hey, give us a break. We're working now."


"We were right about Hagan." Sam told him

"Of course we were right."

"And I was stupid and impulsive and he saw me. We have one week to link him to the bonds." Neal told him

"One week or what?" Mozzie asked

"We go back." Sam told him

"No no no."

"Yeah. Did you find anything about Kate?" Neal asked

"Apparently, a tree falls in the forest, it does make a sound."

He slid a photo to Neal. The photo showed Kate looking off to the side at a man whose ring and hand are on her shoulder.

"I may lose her again, Moz."

"Lose her? I just found her?"

"So did he. So did he."

"Come on it's late let's get some sleep" Sam said not wanting to hear another word about Kate.

The next day they got up, took showers, and got dressed. They ate breakfast and waited for Peter. Peter came and got them. Not long after that Sam, Neal, Sam and Peter were walking down the sidewalk.

"Remember when you told me not to look for Kate?" Neal asked Peter

Sam rolled her eyes. She knew Neal would look for her how could he not.

"Yeah." Peter said

Neal pulled the photo out of his pocket and handed it to Peter. Peter opened it. The man's hand has been sliced out of the photo so there's just Kate.

"Neal, you're putting me in a tough spot here." Peter said

"These were taken four days ago at a San Diego ATM. She's going under the name Kate Perdue. You know what Perdue means in French?"

"Yeah, it means lost." Peter said

He shoved the photo back at Neal.

"Yeah, it makes you wonder, right? Is she lost to me? Or without me?" Neal said making Sam uncomfortable

"Stop it." Peter told him

"Look, I just need a couple of days after this Dutchman thing is over, a couple days to go to San Diego. You can send an agent with me. You can come with me-" Neal said quickly

"Stop it, stop it, stop it! How many times are you going to screw up your life for this girl? I hate to break it you, buddy, but she dumped you. With prejudice. Exactly what is your plan if you find her?" Peter said

Neal shook his head, unable to answer and Peter raised his eyebrows.

"I know there's more to our story. K, she disappears in the dust, no, that's not an ending." Neal said

"C'mon, man. We've all been there. But it gets easier." Peter said

"Not if she's the one." Neal

Peter sighed

"I brought this to you. Doesn't that count for something?" Neal asked

"No. We made a deal. I gave you something good here, and you're about to blow it."

Neal fidgeted and then laughed

"God. You're right, you're right, Peter. I'm a smart guy. I should know when I've been dumped."

Peter didn't buy it, but he let it go anyway

"You figure out your anniversary plans yet?" Sam asked changing the subject

"I'm getting close, very close." Peter said

"So, you got nothing." Neal said

"Nothing. But, I'll find it."

Neal and Sam spotted Mozzie in a crowd of smokers.

"Hey, uh, I'm gonna to go grab a smoke real quick." Neal said

"Didn't know you smoked."

"Ah, it's a nasty prison habit, I've been trying to quit."

"Jones, keep an eye on him."


"Bum one from ya?" neal asked Mozzie

"These things'll kill ya."

"That's what I keep hearing, but I'm not dead yet."

"But these filters, they're good. Not for me, you understand. I tear 'em off."

"Hey, you need a light. You should try the patch." Jones said

"Two years and counting, my friend. I hate the tan lines." Mozzie said

Neal looked at Mozzie and said quietly "You don't smoke."

"What was I supposed to do? Fire off a flare?" Mozzie asked Neal quietly

"So, you tear of the filters." Neal said talking in a normal volume again

"Yeah, but I'm hard core."

Sam walked over to them and said to Neal

"Come on Neal we gotta go now. I've told you before you've gotta stop smoking it's bad for your health and it's a disgusting, pointless habit"

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